
Monday, May 2, 2011


Tony Walker

How many of you saw the movie "Eat Pray Love?"
From what I knew of the movie it didn't seem like the kind of movie I would like but in trying to score with my wife I agreed to watch it with her when she rented it last week.
I was right. I didn't like it.
I'd see it again just because Julia Roberts looks fantastic but otherwise I thought it was awful. This is where I get into the premise of the movie so if you wanna see this but haven't, I am about to ruin it. You've been warned.
Julia Roberts plays a well renowned author, Liz Gilbert. She is known and makes super money but doesn't have much luck with men and is unsatisfied with her life. So she drops everything and decides to go to Italy, India, then Bali for some spiritual knowledge and to find herself.
She goes to these countries and not a single bad thing happens to her. She makes wonderful friends, stays at the most beautiful places, and once in Bali she falls in love with a man and they end up happily ever after.
Are you kidding???
My problem with this movie is that so many women (maybe men too but I've heard women talk about this movie) will identify with this movie. "I would LOVE to go to those places!" Give me a break!
First off, she is a big time author with a ton of money. I know money can't buy happiness but come on! How many of you would LOVE to have a cool job like a well known author? Hey Liz! Try flipping burgers all day! Be grateful you get to do what you love and express yourself through your writings!
How many women who saw this movie are now thinking of ways to pack up and take an extensive vacation like she took to all those wonderful places???
Yes you too will go to these places and make a million friends and not have a single problem! You won't suffer from loneliness! You won't get sick! You won't wander into any "bad parts of town" and only find beautiful sunsets! You will meet wonderful, sexy men who will sweep you off your feet!
I'm sorry. I just find all this supposed spiritual journeys to be a bunch of crap. You have issues with yourself, running away to all these places won't get you away from you! Plus the fact that most of us can't afford to take off for months like this character did.
Look at one of my favorite women-the beautiful Jennifer Copp. She didn't leave her girls to go "find herself." She came home and found ways to make the best of some negative situations by taking advantage of positive surroundings and being close to family and friends. She appears to be in a good place and very happy. She didn't run away. Julia Roberts should have made the "Jenn Copp Story!"
What do you guys think? Did you see the movie? Have you ever gone on extended trips in hopes of finding yourself?


  1. Tony I did not see the movie or read the book....some of my friends loved it, others said it was entirely to far fetched!
    I agree - Jenn Copps story would be awesome!

  2. I found myself, right in my little corner of the world! All the power you need is within you!

  3. I read the book, it was entertaining, I refused to see the movie because I have issue with it. Ya see, the author Gilbert, after her meltdown was PAID to go on that trip. She pitched the story - her Eat Pray Love I am hitting rock bottom story to publishing house and got paid to find herself. She didn't disclose this until AFTER her book hit the top 10, AFTER she was on Oprah and AFTER she reaped the rewards. To me, she is a poser. I am glad she found herself, and her life is great, but c'mon, be honest!

  4. Thanks for that info Deanna! Now I hate the movie even more!!!
    I didn't realize this was based on a true story.

  5. Wow Deanna. I'm shock by that little tidbit. I loved the movie (Julia Roberts fan here )and the book too. Now her second book couldn't get into it. To me it seem way more like a fairytale so to this day I'm in agreement with both sides, but know have all likes for this Author .. BOO HISSS!!!!

  6. Whoopsie!!! that was to say me no likey that Author (fingers faster then brain BOOO HISSSSS one more time!
