
Friday, May 13, 2011


Dawn Boyle

There is something I would like to address. Some of you may have noticed that DRL has some "fans" that do not say the nicest things to me or about me. In fact a few people have approached me asking how I am taking the nasty comments. I must admit a few weeks ago I was blindsided by this. I didn't understand why someone would put such horrible things out there. It took me a few blows from our "annoymous" and "fake named" readers for me to come to terms with it. I am sharing what I have figured out not only with you all but with my daughters as well. Never too early to shed some light on the envitablilty of some people in this world and create a thicker skin.

You can't deal with people who hate you because if somebody hates you that's something they're dealing with. Not you. It's rather irrelevant that you're the target of their hate.

You're fighting an uphill battle that you'll never win. It's like thinking you have enough strength to lift something impossible.

You have to allow the hatred- and not absorb it on yourself.

You can tell yourself whatever you like to help you deal with it better.  The easiest solution is to just let it go and let them be the bad guy.  If somebody is hating you- the hatred always destroys the hater and never the hated. As long as you empower yourself to be strong enough not to let it destroy you. 

In other words..."STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES, BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HARM ME".  I am empowered not to let them!

Thanks for the concern and keep reading!!!


  1. Dawn Darling if you have haters, it means you have arrived. Jealousy is really flattering if you stand back whip your hair and think about it. Congrats Dawnie on being who you are!

  2. Anyone that can say hateful things to you obviously dosen't know the person that you are. Keep doing what your doing because it's all good!!

  3. thanks guys!

    I should have made sure I mentioned in that post that the wonderful people, friends, family and fans here at DRL totally out weigh the people who hate me :)

  4. You have a lot of support online and off, Dawn. Putting yourself out there with your writing, you expect opposing opinions. But personal attacks are a totally different matter. It's petty and immature. Continue to rise above it.

  5. They really hate themselves for turning their back on you!!!!

    Well said my friend and well said my other friend Fleisch

    Team Dawn!!!!

    love ya!!

  6. In case you haven't heard me say it before.
    I love Boyle.

  7. thanks!!! You guys rule!

  8. Well said, Dawn. I wouldn't give those "people" a second thought. I'm busting out the glitter for the "Team Dawn" tanks. xoxo

  9. Please take it from someone who unfortunatly had to grow up with "DRL".....No matter how much money he makes, no matter how white he keeps them teeth of his, no matter how great he thinks he looks....He will never be happy, trust me....he was always like that...and besides, you're Dawn Boyle for God sake! Best of luck to you with your site, don't lose another minute of your time with this.....It's all yours

  10. You know I LOVE YOU! :)

    Wonder if all the other comments are ever coming back?!

  11. Let them talk... let it roll - right off your back. Shame on them! You know you are loved by us all at DRL! I got or back baby - ALWAYS! ;)

  12. thanks again for all the wonderful comments!!
