
Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Golden Angel

For Gabby

A slender white candle burned brightly,
Spreading its warm glow across the glass
Bringing joy to all who saw its beauty,
Warming by its glow as they would pass.

A sudden, cold wind blew cruelly,
Threatening to douse the golden light.
Though many held their hands about to save it,
The flame was quenched and left us all in night.

The dismal darkness settled down inside us,
Gripping all our hearts in its cold hand,
Ending all our dreams of a bright future,
Making it so hard to understand.

But Faith will never leave us quite completely,
God is never distant from our side,
And now beside Him stands a lovely angel
With golden sunlight shining in her eyes.

We do not know just why she had to leave us,
But even though her time with us was brief,
She filled our lives with love and joy and laughter,
And these memories will help us through our grief.

Rest easy now beloved golden angel,
Our tears will dry, our hearts begin to mend.
We’ll hold you in our thoughts and in our memories,
Until that time when we shall meet again.


  1. "You cannot look for sense, where there isn't any". There is great truth in those words and I have often called them to my mind during difficult times.  Some things are not for us to understand, while we walk the Lord’s earth.

    Her family has suffered an incomprehensible loss. Everything that they have ever known and dreamed has been changed for them in an inexplicable moment. All the limitless potential that was to be hers has now transformed to angel wings. Her flight to heaven leaves broken hearts in it’s path. Her journey here with us has ended. Every tear wrapped with prayer. God bless you "Angel", shine bright in heaven!

    (My thanks to my family at DRL - for sharing such beautiful proses!) xoxoxo

  2. I had to express what was in my heart before I could face the funeral this morning.

  3. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful young girl!

  4. Beautiful beyond words, Marion!
