
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Tony Walker

There is a guy I know who is a local musician here on Long Island. He plays in many bands. I've known this guy for around 20 years. This guy is a jerk. Pompous and rude.  By coincidence my wife knew this guy before my wife and I knew each other. She used to see him play in a band.

Here's the reason this fits into a He Said Post.... my wife agrees that this guy is a jerk and she thinks he is pretty ugly BUT she is attracted to him because he plays in a band!!!  WTF??!!!  I know plenty of women who think that way about someone. "He's sexy because he's up on stage!" WHAT??? He's sexy because he is holding a guitar??? He's sexy because he's singing some top forty song that he actually doesn't even like??

Can you ladies explain this to me???

There are plenty of guys who can't sing but are the nicest guys in the world! But the jerk gets the girl because he holds a guitar?

What about the guy swinging a hammer?
What about the guy driving a truck?
What about the guy doing comedy?? (That last one is me. I want groupies damnit!!! LOL)


  1. Geez, Tony is in cricket-ville! I'm here to save the day! I'll talk to you Tony!

    If the jerk gets the girl just because of his image - then the joke is on her. Sooner or later the curtain goes down, the guitar is out of tune and image is tarnished. Infatuation fades and usually leaves nothing but dust behind. You have to start with something real to finish with something worth it!

    So to your questions, Tony... there is nothing sexier then a "real" guy comfortable in his own skin doing what he loves, or at least making the best out of what he is doing --- and if he can make you laugh - that's just icing on the cake!

    Keep me laughing... I love to be a groupie! ;)

  2. Thanks Jillian!
    I don't mind being in cricketville. No one listens to me in real life so I am used to it! LOL
    Your comments are interesting.... I don't know if I ever met anyone who was attracted to someone because they made you laugh.

  3. Hey, Tony --- when you open you heart enough to let someone in --- everything about them becomes better. Every essence of them is more attractive. They are become sexier, have brighter smiles, cuter laughs, better curves.... whatever it is - it's better seen through eyes of love. If you can laugh smile and love - you've got a whole lot worth holding on to with both hands and your whole heart!

    As for lust for the "Rock Star" - it's a flirt infatuation, you my friend, I think deep down, from what I have read, YOU GET THAT! ;)

  4. Barbara I totally agree with what you said...
    I am talking about general attraction before you get to know someone. I'm talking about lust!! LOL
    Why is some dork singing on a stage so sexy??
    He's not sexy when he is walking through Target with his kids!
    I don't get it.

  5. Agreed Tony!
    That said... What's NOT to get?!
    I'm not looking too sexy walking though Target myself - however animal print dress, FMPs, full makeup and hair --- it's all about the stage setting - and costuming helps! You my "theatre man" should know that! ;) Gotta be able to find "your light".

  6. Find the light Barbara?
    Maybe I'd have better chances of the lights were off!! LOL
