
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Tony Walker

Before my rebirth into a career in comedy I worked at a major telephone company. I put in poles, put the cables on those poles, etc. Basic construction type work. That field has a high population of men in it. So I used to hear a ton of complaints these guys would make about their wives.
One thing I heard all the time was the fights over family obligations.
We need the money but yet she bitches that I'm always working.
I just wanna watch the game for a little while.
I only stepped out for one beer.
It's your family why do I have to go?
Why do you have to go now?
Can't you take the kids with you?
These are just a few of the complaints all of us have heard right? I know I've heard them over & over from guys I know.
For me personally things are a little different. I work mostly nights & weekends so I have a "Mr. Mom" type role since I am home during the day. Since I lose a lot of weekend time with my kids I am just about there 100% of the time during the week. I get them on & off the bus, take them to all their after school activities, etc. Sometimes I find the roles of my wife & I switched. She works all day long & then wants to spend her time after work doing her own thing like going to her hot yoga classes. For a while she was going 7 days a week sometimes twice a day! I was the one nagging about being home. I became the wife who bitches about the husband never being home. It allowed me to see what the stay at home moms were complaining about. Sure the one who goes to work all day deserves some time to unwind, but so does the stay at home parent who took care of the kids' needs. I want my time for a play date with Boyle damnit!!
What do you guys think? What is a valid reason for getting your own play time over family obligations? How do you guys handle who gets time? Do you parents out there feel that both parents are getting a fair amount of play time?


  1. Tony you need to spread the word!!! You are soo right on the money!

  2. You Tony, much like myself - are keenly aware of both sides of the coin. That is a rarity - that makes us wise fools! LOL! The best & worst of both worlds, with a nice side of empathy. Do it all as best as you can - that's all any of can do!

  3. WHATEVER you give a WOMAN, she will MAKE it GREATER. Give her SPERM, she will give you a BABY. Give her a HOUSE, she will give you a HOME. Give her GROCERIES, she will give you a MEAL. Give her LOVE and she will give you her HEART! She MULTIPLIES and ENLARGES what she is GIVEN. So, if you GIVE her CRAP, be PREPARED to RECEIVE a TON OF SHIT!
