
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

He Said....

Tony Walker
Many of my "He Saids" are sexual in nature. Many of my "He Saids" go for the shock value. Well this week's "He Said" is sexual in nature but no shock value in this one. This week I have one simple question.
Why do some women say no when they really mean yes?
I was once in a relationship with a woman who said no all the time & really made me work to get the prize. Meanwhile she was ready to go very early on. 
Even my wife says no a thousand times before she surrenders to my begging like a dog who hasn't been fed in 3 days.
My problem is I don't have the ability to take the bait & walk away when turned down. If I called the bluff maybe she would grab me & let me in. But I just can't do it. I just keep on begging like a little boy in a toy store whose mom won't buy him something. "Please!! PLEASE!! I won't ask again for 3 months! I'll be nice to you tomorrow! I'll eat all my veggies without complaining!! PLEASE!!!!!!"
Do some women like to watch men work & work? (sickos!!)
Do some women really require that much work before they are ready to go?
Do some women think it's a flirtatious thing by playing hard to get?
Is it all of the above?
Well let me tell you women something... stop it!!
Tell us what you think. If you are a woman who says no all the time, even when you are a definite yes, please tell us why you do that.


  1. Sometimes I say No and mean Yes, but on those occasions I do it with a wink and a smile. This way my husband knows it's just a game and in the end he will win. He does it with me sometimes too. In our case it's just play to keep it fun, and the begging is sexy and doesn't last long. If used as a tool in a relationship then it becomes insulting and controlling - Not Good! No partner should ever have to beg, and no partner should ever relish that kind of control over their "equal" partner.

    Just my two cents........

  2. If you really have to beg... walk away. Why degrade yourself that way for someone who isn't interested? Begging isn't sexy, it's desperate.
