
Sunday, May 29, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
This week we remember babies born asleep or whom we have
carried but never met, those we have held but could not take home, or the ones who made it home but didn't stay. We pray for all who have suffered the loss of a baby. It is a lossfrom which  that one never truly recovers and certainly never forgets. It means a lifetime of wondering about lost moments and unfulfilled potential; a lifetime of speaking to your baby and knowing that someday you will hold that child in your arms.
The loss of a baby is not spoken about. You're expected to snap right back to "normal" and "get on"with life. Words like "You can always have another baby." or "Maybe "it" was going to be born with problems so God was sparing you." are meant to be helpful but cut like a knife.
I pray that anyone who experiences this heartwrenching tragedy will be permitted to mourn their loss; that people will not minimize or shove under the carpet the severity of the pain and suffering of the mother AND the father, and that God will bless all those who have given back to Him a most beloved baby, born or unborn.


  1. Thank you for your sensitivity and support for those of us who have lost our little angels!

  2. You're right,we suffer in silence.I can see you suffer too, but I thank you for speaking for all of us.

  3. Beautiful post!

  4. It's been almost 9 years since one of my good friends experienced this horrifying loss......her heartache is still raw .........thanks for a beautiful post!!

  5. So many tears, so many angels... Thanks for helping us to remember. Beautiful post Marion!
