
Thursday, May 5, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
I’ve been reading comments by individuals all over the country since President Obama released the news that he will not allow the pictures of Bin Laden’s corpse to be published. There are so many strong opinions on the matter and emotions run deep, for obvious reasons. Those of us who have some connection to people killed in the 9-11 attack masterminded by Bin Laden can’t help but feel that justice was done, but I wonder if we really need to see the graphic, gory photos to prove it.
I must admit, I disagree with the President on many issues, but I feel he is entirely correct in not releasing the photos. Why should we allow his followers to “enshrine” him with a photo that we would provide, marking him as a martyr? Our government has documented the death, used DNA to be sure it was actually the right target, and our amazing Navy Seals gave a full account. That should be enough for us.
People in our society, especially children, have become too desensitized to death. Violent death is a horrible, appalling thing, no matter who the victim, or in this case the target is. I agree, Bin Laden suffered the consequences of his actions, and rightly so, but must we lower ourselves to morbidly curious beings with no thought of the effect this photo will have on those who will see it?
I say let’s celebrate our brave service men and women instead. Print photos of Navy Seals and pilots and all those who played a major role in seeing that justice was done. Those are the kinds of pictures our children should be seeing, not corpses with part of their brain missing!
What do you think? Do you still feel the photos should be released? As I always say, all opinions should be heard and respected. Tell us how you feel... 


  1. NO! Don't release them. Don't stoop to the level of our enemies. I even hate to see the celebrations of his death. I'm glad he's dead,but I agree - praise the Presidents Obama and Bush, and all those who worked against terrorists.

  2. Marion - I agree. I do not under any circumstances want or need to see pictures. I do think that the people who were directly affected by 9/11 should have the opportunity to view them. I think it would be a form of closure.
    No children should see them, at all!

  3. 9-11 family survivorMay 5, 2011 at 3:44 PM

    Hell yes, plaster them all over gound zero and flash them on te screen at Times Square! He was a monster and the good guys slayed the monster. Kids understand that.

  4. Let's not raise our kids to be a nation of pussies. They all see things like this on tv and the internet anyway. You cant hide everything from them. If they see a photo if dead bin Laden, it won't be a big deal

  5. If you don't like them, don't look at them. I for one would like to see the unvarnished truth in living color.

  6. You HAVE to see this!!5798799/jon-stewart-release-the-bin-laden-death-photos
