
Monday, May 23, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Today starts off CLICK IT OR TICKET which runs from May 23 til June 5, 2011 .

Click It or Ticket (CIOT) is the most successful seat belt enforcement campaign ever, helping create the highest national seat belt usage rate of 85 percent. Coast to coast, day or night, the message is simple - Click It or Ticket.

2011 CIOT National Mobilization - The cornerstone of NHTSA's seat belt communications program is the national Click It or Ticket May Mobilization. The primary audience continues to be men ages 18 to 34, which research shows are less likely to wear seat belts.

In this day and age are there still people who do not wear a seat belt?

What makes them take the chance?

Have you ever received a ticket for no seat belt?

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