
Thursday, May 26, 2011


Sometimes Your Whole World Is What's Shaken'...
DRL Proudly Introduces Our Newest Contributor:
Jessica Lemoine McGinnis Yee

Someday in February this year, a new adventure was started by me and my husband. Well, not exactly new but newish. See, I found out that at age 42 I was to be a Mom again. Wow what a kicker! I have two beautiful kids but the last time I was in the birthing mindset was 12 years ago. A much younger body and much younger mindset and blissfully ignorant enough to the adventure called parenthood. Now I’m in the prime of my life, in the “lets live it up the kids are grown enough that I can have some fun” mindset. Go to concerts, lectures or take a class and not have to pay half my paycheck to a babysitter. Now we are starting over?! I’m going to lectures and taking a class but it’s to remember how to give birth naturally. See I birthed twice, all natural, although not completely my choice. I was into give me that epidural like most women, what the heck did I know. I didn’t embrace the natural movement in my twenties; I still don’t embrace a lot of it. But I have made some small changes, like I recycle, buy organic and believe in local shopping even if it cost a bit more. Sustaining the small business owner if just for one more day and hopefully boosting my local economy.

Let me define what I consider all natural childbirth. Most women took the five week class at your local hospital where they taught you some tips and tricks to ease labor pains long enough to get that “pain free promise” epidural. I took the same course, looked forward to that epidural and watched my chances walk out the door when the anesthesiologist stepped out to look at another patient. By the time he came back it was too late to get one. So my oldest was born with NO DRUG intervention. I thought it was kind of cool, while my next door neighbor walked around aching from her epidural, I was strolling the halls with my baby boy and a ginormous smile on my face.

My second child, pretty much the same experience, got to the hospital, got into bed, in comes the anesthesiologist; OB says” nope she’s coming now push!” So I did as I was told. Still having the same experience afterwards, next door neighbor achy wondering how comes I’m walking around like nothing happened. But after my second it was decided, no more babies I was done. Remember these words.

Here I am standing in the bathroom not believing my eyes or the stupid stick in front of me. I call in my husband and tell him LOOK!!!! We both look at each other and let the shock sweep over us, not sure if we are happy or in complete terror. DUDE, I’m 42 I have almost grown children. In a little less than seven years I would have had an empty nest. WE are starting over. REALLY?!!!

None the less, we are very excited to be having our third child. So I signed up for birthing classes using the Bradley method. Yes people there are different philosophies and methods. This one aligns more with what we believe in. I figured, why break the streak, two all-natural let’s do the third the same but this time I want to be prepared. Recently I took my first class with who I think will be a fabulous teacher she really made a great impression on us. There were only three couples including us the only difference is WE ARE VETERANS. We are looking forward to this newish adventure.


  1. Wishing you and your husband much luck Jessica! My husband and I are recent empty nesters and your new adventure is our greatest fear! A baby is always an amazing blessing at any age, but I know God blesses 40 something mommies even more! Great post. Welcome to the Lounge!

  2. Thanks Marion. Glad to be here.

  3. OMG another baby at 42! Diapers and baby food, midnight feedings and screaming melt-downs in the store....take a deep breath and hold it for a really long time. You will do great, but remember to breathe and laugh.

  4. Been there done this!! To my surprise I found out I was pregnant at age 40. Shocked beyond belief!! Just ask Dawn. How could a 40 year old screw up birth control? LOL. Embrace every minute of it. My son is going to kindergarten this September. Five years went by in the blink of an eye. I will admit I am exhausted but hey 45 is the new 35 right? Best wishes to you and your family.

  5. Wow -congrats Jessica! Glad to hear you're doing well!

  6. Welcome to DRL Jessica....looking forward to you sharing your "adventures"!

  7. Great story Jessica and welcome to the DRL (they are a great bunch). Being a child from a Mom who was 45 when she had me and a Dad 47. I say congrats and best wishes!!!!

  8. Great news, congratulations to you & your family!

  9. Welcome to DRL Jessica! Great post! What a wonderful surprise! One of my best friends growing up got a little sister when we were 18 - he mother always told us, a surprise is a blessing that you didn't even know you needed or wanted but would never trade for anything in the entire world! I wish you may blessings on this newish adventure! I THINK IT'S FABULOUS!!!
    PS.... Hope you'll write for us again - SOON! :)

  10. Thanks everyone for all your well wishes and sharing your experiences. Barb I might have another adventure soon. Birthing class is going to be very interesting.

  11. These are some exciting plans!! Nice.
    Congrats,Jessica & I'm so glad to be here.Thanks for Sharing & Newish Adventure..

  12. Thank you Kokoda Maps.....stay tuned....

  13. Bring it Jess! Would love to post more of your adventures!!!
