
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

Jose is from the Philippines. He moved to the US when he was 16 years old. There are many things he forgets about his native land, but there is one story he will remember until the day he dies: The story of his cousin Skye.

Skye was young, single and independent. She was what you would also call eccentric. She loved living close to nature and she especially loved snakes. She loved them so much that when she found a baby Python in a local pet store, she decided to buy it and keep it as a pet. She adored her little snake, and fed it only the choicest morsels: first tiny mice then larger rats as the Python grew. Skye allowed the snake to sleep in her bed. It curled up in a coil next to her for warmth and she felt that it showed her true affection. As time went on, she and her Python seemed quite content.

One day Skye woke up to find her 6 foot Python stretched out against her body. “He must be cold” she thought, and put another blanket on the bed. After that he stopped eating. Days went by and he often repeated the behavior of stretching out against her, and still would not eat.

Finally, she decided to call the vet fearing her beloved pet was ill. The Vet had an answer for her right away.  “Get away from the Python and call animal control to come and take it away in a cage.”
Skye couldn’t believe her ears. “Why?” she asked. “This is my pet. I love him.”
“Because,” answered the vet, “He’s stretching against you to size you up. He stopped eating because you will be a large meal that will nourish him for weeks and he has to make room for you! He’s getting ready to eat you Skye!”

Animal Control arrived within the hour and took the python away. As far as Jose knows, Skye is still young, single, independent, and has no pets whatsoever!


  1. Talk about a surprise ending! Cool!

  2. OMG! Where do you get these creepy stories Marion? I LOVE them!

  3. I would never have believed this could be true until that poot little girl was killed by her parent's snake! What a tragedy!
    And I heard her parents are each going to prison for 30 something years for it! And Casey walks! Go figure!
