
Friday, May 6, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran
With thoughts and prayers for a family waiting in hope with faith for a miracle...
You cannot look for sense where there just isn't any - when silence is broken by only the sound of tears - all you can do is to hold on to faith. I believe in miracles and today I wait and pray.
Faith is believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. 

It means daring to imagine or embrace, or when needed to have the courage to face the unfathomable. 

It means believing that when you don't have the words to pray that God translates every tear.


  1. Praying right along with you for a special family! May God bless them with a miracle, and if not, with the faith and strength they will need.All my <3 and positive energy is channeling their way!

  2. Also praying with you! I too am sending all the positive energy I have to them! We truly need a miracle.

  3. I'm holding out for a MIRACLE!!!
    Let's just PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!
