
Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Tony Walker

Some of you may find this hard to believe....
For the past few months I have been joining my community in the fight against a strip club.

If you've read my posts or if you know me you're probably laughing hysterically right now.

I love naked woman more than the average man so why would I fight against a strip club?

I'll tell you why... because this club will be walking distance from my house.

Strip clubs belong in industrial areas away from residential neighborhoods, right?

If you live on Long Island, New York, you've probably read about it. There have been articles in Newsday and our local news, Channel 12. (My wife and I are seen in the piece real quick... applauding one of our local politicians who came out and spoke on the community's behalf).

The owner of the club has been in the stripping industry for over 30 years. It was on his web site at one point saying that this would be a strip club too. At a recent Zoning Board hearing this man said under oath that he changed his mind and now it will be a Las Vegas style club. When asked by one of the lawyers what exactly does a Las Vegas style club mean the owner replied, "The type of club you would like to go to." What a smug bastard.

When the owner of the club first announced a few months back that he changed his mind, I reached out to him. I told him if he really wants to show the community he means what he says well then he should hire some local entertainment. I happen to know a great local comedy troupe! He said he would think about it and never returned my call. Well about a month later this moron showed up at one of my shows, after the show had started, unannounced, and demanded to be let in for free. He had some words with the manager of the establishment and stormed out. I was terribly embarrassed. I said to myself then that this guy is not someone to do business with, not a man of his word.

This place will be a strip club with lap dances, table dancing, etc. This will bring loud music, drunken lewdness, riff raff, and all sorts of undesirables to our neighborhood.

Would you want that type of business near your house?

Did I mention that your property value goes down as a result of a place like this?

Again, I am not against these types of places. But I am against it being near homes, families, & children.

What do you guys think? Would you be mad too? Do you live near one? Do you think I am a hypocrite?


  1. Sounds like a case of NIMBY...not in my back yard. You have spent time defending those who go to strip clubs and those who work there as well, yet when the possibility of those people roaming so close to home comes up, suddenly we don't trust them very much, right Tony? Aren't the majority people like you, isn't that what you've been saying? Should you not be allowed to roam freely among good folk? :)

    I saw a similar protest in my neighborhood against a battered woman's shelter a few blocks from where I currently live. We were all going to be in danger, our kids weren't going to be safe, drugs would invade the neighborhood. Many years later, none of that happened.

    Sometimes the perception is worse than the reality. Maybe someone who has had this experience of living close to this type of establishment can shed some light.

  2. It has nothing to do with trusting these people in my own backyard.
    Just because I enjoy a place like that means I should accept it for my kids to see.
    Are you that much of a "good girl" that everything you do is ok for your kids to see?
    I'm happy that the shelter in your neighborhood turned about to be OK. But a shelter isn't going to be playing loud music til 4AM just a stones throw away from houses where young children are. That's not a worry about something that may not happen... that is a fact.
    I have no problem with these types of places. But there is a time & place for everything.

  3. I guess I am that much of a "Good Girl" hat the places/businesses I frequent are ones that I would take my child to. That said, I do live in NYC where ads for "gentlemen clubs" are everywhere, from taxis to billboards so keeping the existence those types of places from my child is impossible.

    The loud music is a quality of life issue for you, then you should fight it. But I was responding to your words: "riff raff, and all sorts of undesirables to our neighborhood."

  4. I too only frequent places I would only take my kids to. The places we go are full of sex, lies, & sin. Then after we leave church we go to Scores & have a burger with the friendly staff.
