
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Dawn Boyle
I go through bouts of insomnia, usually due to stress. I find myself up at night watching old movies. I usually fall asleep before it's over. The other night I woke up about 1:30 and couldn't get back to bed. I flipped through all 7,000 channels. NOTHING...I looked through all the On Demand, again NOTHING. I started surfing again and found Top Gun. It started to make me think, what happened to Tom Cruise.

I was madly in love with him in his Top Gun, Risky Business Days. Still loved him in Cocktail and faintly remember All the Right Moves. But it made me wonder why this "GOD" of my youth was the least of my favorites as and adult. How and why did my taste change so much?

He still has that wicked killer smile and is very handsome, but he lost me when he married Nicole Kidman. Remember that freakishly odd movie they did together? What was it called...Eyes Wide Shut. Talk about BIZARRE! Then when he started jumping couches and ripping Brooke Shields a new one, I was physically repulsed by him. For some reason I was totally over Tom Cruise. In fact if I was given a "MOVIE STAR PASS" and my choice had to be Tom Cruise...I would not take it! I guess the L. Ron Hubbard, Katie Holmes, Suri, Tom is not my ideal anymore. I am pretty sure he is not Katie's anymore either. I bet she wishes she stayed with Chris Klein...LIVE AND LEARN!

I was also in love with a few of the other other repulses me as much as Tommy. How about you? Oh and I still have dreams of waking up one day and looking like Diane Lane.

Recognize any of these young Greasers? Director Francis Ford Coppola was on to something when he made his 1983 drama 'The Outsiders,' based on S.E. Hinton's beloved teen novel: From a cast filled with young, little-known actors, nearly all went on to success and stardom. Read on to find out who's faded from the spotlight and who, like main character Ponyboy, has managed to stay gold.


  1. I am right there with you! I adored Tom Cruise and had his face plastered to my bedroom walls. I was never a fan of the Tom and Nicole marriage. It always smacked of a publicity stunt to me.

    When he went all Scientology I totally lost all respect for him. This is a religion I remember seeing advertised on TV as a kid, so how on earth anyone takes it seriously is beyond me!Not to mention it is freakishly bizarre!

    After seeing the clips of his whacko performance on Oprah, my dislike for him was reaffirmed a thousand-fold! I think Tom's ego is so big and so ridiculous that one day he will fall from his self built pedestal! I imagine that will be spectacular to watch.

    The Outsiders was my favorite as a kid! I had movie posters and torn out teen magazine pages of them all on my walls! My son just read it in 7th grade and he HATED it... I don't think he was able to wrap his tech-brain around it. I was disappointed to say the least!

  2. Dawn I think you lost your desire for Tom Cruise when I came back into your life.
    Diane Lane still takes my breath away! Did you see that movie where she goes to Woodstock with Viggo? A Walk In The Clouds might be the title.
    When she gets naked under the waterfall.... OH MY GOD!!!!!

  3. Dawn, I feel like I could have written almost every word of your post. My major actor crush of my teens years was Harrison Ford, but I did manage to squeeze a picture or two of Tom Cruise onto my bedroom walls. I think he started losing my adoration not long after "Days of Thunder" (another Nicole Kidman connection!). And now, I can't look at the man.

    My crush on Harrison Ford lasted until "Air Force One." So far the one on George Clooney is still going strong.

  4. They are called crushes for a reason... sooner or later they usually crush and break your heart!
