
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


"Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID that 
he just whipped out a quarter?" 
...Steven Wright

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." 

"If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, 
go ahead, get married."
...Katherine Hepburn

"If you want to say it with flowers, a single rose says : "I'm cheap!"
...Delta Burke 

"Want to make your computer go really fast? Throw it out the window!"

"I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said 
I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet."
...Rodney Dangerfield

"It is useless to hold a person to anything he says while he's in love, 
drunk, or running for office." 
...Shirley MacLaine

"I have never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished fifth grade 
a year before I did."...Jeff Foxworthy

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