
Monday, May 23, 2011


Tony Walker
I wanna rant about driving.  I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in NY PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!

When did it become ok to pull out of a parking lot & block traffic going one way while you wait to go the other way?
Who told you it's safe to drive 5 MPH while you look for the store you wanna go to?

Why would you be so stupid as to hit the brakes when you're in the center lane of the expressway because you wanna swerve across 2 lanes of traffic to make your exit? If you were paying attention you would've known your exit was coming up!

Where is the sign that says you can throw a cigarette butt out the window? "No littering..... but cigarette butts are ok."

Don't even get me started on the school mom's who park in the handicap spots at school as they drop their precious sweetheart off, then sit there for 3 minutes to watch the kid walk into school while us handicap people have to wait to park & get into the school for a meeting.

Please feel free to add to the list!!! Comments and opinions welcomed!!!

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