
Thursday, May 5, 2011


Tony Walker

I was reading Marion's Lunch Time Poll post about whether we should see the photos of Bin Laden.

I love what Marion said.... let's see the photos of the Navy Seals celebrating. Let's see all the celebrations.

After watching the footage today of Obama at Ground Zero some rantings I've seen on Facebook came to mind.
Have you seen the people on Facebook posting "Obama did not kill Osama... our Navy did" & the ones where people are upset that Osama got a "proper" burial? These postings upset me. It's become the in thing to bash everything. Why can't we for once not look at labels & celebrate together? No Obama did not personally kill Osama but he was in charge! You know what? Osama didn't personally pilot the planes into the WTC but he was in charge! This is not a who is a better President thing. Obama & G. W. Bush both deserve some credit here! I understand people being upset over the proper burial. I too am glad the man is dead. I understand people saying he didn't deserve a proper burial. I knew 7 people who died on 9/11. I understand people wanna celebrate in the streets like people did in the Middle East when the attack on us happened. But we are better than them! Do we really need to stoop to their level?

One thing we should've learned from 9/11 is what happens when you live with hate. Maybe if we tried to live more with love there wouldn't be so much bashing & negativity.

Instead of a declaration of war let's declare peace!!!!


  1. Tony I <3 U - Brought a smile to my face today!!! Thanks :)

  2. Oh Tony, I loved this post!Thank you for being a dreamer! We need more dreamers!!!!!

  3. I dream about me, Barbara, & Boyle every night.

  4. Dream a little dream for me! Imagine all the people living life in peace....

  5. Well said! In the end... Peace, hope & love need to win!
