
Thursday, June 23, 2011


Dawn Boyle
I attended a softball game last night. It was the championship game for little girls in fourth and fifth grade. The game was a real nail bitter. It was wonderful seeing the children really give it their all and come through with a very BIG WIN!

But here is the thing... the strength and agility of these young girls wasn't what amazed me. It was the crowd. The crowd was filled with proud moms and dads but there was such a difference between the two. All the fathers (who would all fall in the VERY late thirty to early forty crowd) looked great. Most of them were in tip top shape, and their spouses were, well lets just say a majority of us have turned into the "mom jean crew". We are not in as good of shape as our counterparts.

Which brings me to my What's Shakin - it's our ASSES! It's our lunch ladies! It's our cottage cheese, thunder thighs with the chub rub! Why is it that men get older and get handsome with their salt and pepper hair and fine facial lines, but women look like something out of a Saturday Night Live skit with ankle socks on rocking that ankle bracelet - mind you, all that does is accentuate the cankles.

By no means am I making fun of these ladies...I am just asking WHY? Is it written that we have kids and get an ass the same size as the mini-van we are driving around? What happened to us? Why do we get robbed?


  1. As part of that crowd last night I am completely offended!! My ass is the size of my Acadia not a minivan. LMAO!!!!! Actually I wish I could laugh it off.

  2. you were NOT rocking scketchers with bobby socks and an ankle bracelet either....just sayin'

  3. Do any of the "Moms" exercise on a regular basis? The skinny Mom's that I know all work out and really watch Their diets, basically They are dedicated to keeping fit at all costs. Im sure the Men work out too. Im sure They all still are Milfs anyway!

  4. So if the gentlemen have aged like fine wine... are you suggesting that there is mostly shrived, greasy, out too long, cheese accompanying them...
    Perhaps the said guys have more time to look good because they remember to put them selves on the list. Unlike many women who do everyone else's list and theirs, but leave themselves off of their own.

    You have to be your own priority! If not - there's way more at stake then a big butt.

  5. I agree with Jackie. I'm certain there were MILFs in the mix regardless of size or shape. Being noticed is about being comfortable in your own skin - attitude is everything. Sure being a size 4 helps - but confidence and a welcoming smile are sexy! Flaunt what you've got! If you are not happy with you - you change it for YOU!

  6. Fleisch gets my vote for MILF!!!

    Funny post
