
Friday, June 17, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

It was an interesting morning in the Casey Anthony trial! A fight broke out among those waiting in line for the coveted 50 tickets to sit in the gallery. Once the trial began, several people were put out for falling asleep and one was feeling ill.

Entemologist Tim Huntington
 The Defense called Tim Huntington ,  a forensic entomology consultant and assistant  professor at Concordia University in Nebraska.  Huntington testified that if a body had been stored in the trunk of Casey’s car there would have been hundreds if not thousands of flies and a black, irremovable stain would have been present. The State objected to Huntington testifying about the stain, as he is not a stain expert. After much debate, Judge Perry agreed that the entomologist must stick to talking about bugs!
In other news concerning Casey Anthony, Bounty Hunter, Leonard Padilla visited the Anthony property Wednesday with FOX news reporters.. George Anthony called 911 as Padilla has a no trespass warrant against him for the Anthony home. Padilla stated he was showing FOX the distance from the home to the site where Caylee’s remains were found. In an interview with reporters, Padilla stated that he believed George Anthony had nothing to do with the disappearance and murder of his granddaughter, Caylee Anthony.

1 comment:

  1. Watch trial live, with chat here :
