
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

The Casey Anthony murder trial resumed after a lunch break today with the playing of two 911 calls made by meter reader Roy Kronk, on Aug.11 and 12 of 2008.  Kronk stated that he found a suspicious white object and gave his location.  Kronk was drilled by the defense but remained calm under examination. He denied telling his son that he was going to be famous and admitted that he received $15,000 for rights to a photo he took of the snake. He denied the money was for an appearance on the Good Morning America TV show. During opening statements, Casey Anthony's defense team accused Kronk of obtaining Caylee's remains and planting them in the woods to obtain a reward. Lead defense attorney Jose Baez described Kronk as "morally bankrupt" in his opening statement.
Editorial comment: Roy Kronk did not come off as the money hungry beast that the defense had hoped to present. His detailed account of his efforts to have someone look at the suspicious object he found was very believable.  In his calls to get assistance, he never inquired about a reward and even opted to remain anonymous in the first two attempts. I believe he presented a credible explanation. In my opinion, the Defense failed to prove Kronk to be "morally corrupt".  Just what the jury really believes is yet to be seen.
As for George Anthony, he vehemently denied having an affair with Krystal Holloway and stated that she told him she was ill and had a brain tumor.  He stated that Holloway also told Cindy the same information.  He also remained composed and cool throughout questioning. . I’m sure George will be back on the stand again.

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