
Friday, June 10, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Dr. Jan Garavaglia and Caylee
Today’s trial focused on cause of death for little Caylee Anthony.  Orange/Osceola County Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia testified that the death was a homicide. The defense tried repeatedly during cross examination to get Dr. Garavaglia to admit the death could have been an accident. The Medical Examiner also testified that even a small amount of chloroform would be enough to kill a child. When pressed by
defense attorney, Cheney Mason to say that she could not tell the jury that she was 1005 sure that the death wasn’t an accident, Dr. Garavaglia  stated :”Accidental deaths are reported 100% of the time..unless there’s reason not to.” She also stated, “We know by our observations that it’s a red flag when a child had not been reported to authorities with injury, there’s foul play. There is no child that should have duct tape on its face when it dies.”
University of Florida Professor Michael Warren was called as a Human Identification Lab Director, to present a computer animation of how the duct tape may have caused Caylee’s death. Defense attorney Baez strongly objected to the judge allowing the animation to be shown. The animation showed Caylee next to Casey in a picture with the image of the decomposed skull superimposed over Caylee’s head and then another image of the duct tape that was found at the crime scene. The animation showed how the tape would have covered her nose and mouth.
Baez made a motion for a mistrial based on Judge Perry allowing the jury to see the animation. The motion was denied.

1 comment:

  1. I'm shocked that Perry allowed the animation to be shown to the jury!
