
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Cindy Anthony testifies in the murder trial of her daughter Casey Anthony
Today’s trial began at 1pm as the State was awaiting the arrival of FBI Forensic Mitochondrial Analyst, Catherine Theisen.  Theisen testified about hair samples she processed in the Casey Anthony case. Her testimony confirmed that the hair from Casey’s trunk and hair from Caylee’s skull were a mitochondrial match. This shows that the hair was from a family member on the maternal side (Caylee, Casey, Cindy or Lee).
Cindy Anthony took the stand again today to testify about the length and color of her daughter’s hair in 2008.  An interesting turn of events occurred when Casey and her mother Cindy made eye contact, which has not happened since this trial began. Up to now Casey has avoided looking at her parents in court. Observers reported that Cindy mouthed the words “I love you” to Casey. Casey was said to shrug and slightly grimace for a second and then reverted to her stone faced demeanor.
Bobby Williams, a tattoo artist, was also called to testify today. It was Williams who gave Casey her now famous “Bella Vita” (Good Life) tattoo. He stated the Casey was given her tatoo on July 2 and on July 15th came in again to make an appointment for herself and a friend. She mentioned that her daughter Caylee would accompany her on the 19th, the day of the appointment. Attornies for Casey Anthony objected to the State's line of quetioning of Williams and called yet again for a mistrial based on the animation of the skull, the heart shaped sticker testimony and the State's bringing up the subject of people getting tatoos to remember loved ones that have passed. Judge Perry denied the motion for a mistrial. The State announced that they will enter 2 more pieces of evidence tomorrow morning and then rest. The defense will begin their presentation on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. That wasn't a grimace Casey made at her mother, it was a smirk. She's such a bitch!
