
Thursday, June 30, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

Krystal Holloway testifies in the murder trial of Casey Anthony today, June 30, 2011
The Defense for Casey Anthony started the day by calling the alleged mistress of George Anthony, Krystal Holloway, to the stand. Holloway testified that she met George Anthony  during the search for Caylee in of October 2008. She stated that she had an intimate relationship with George and that he had been to her home several times. Holloway said that sometime around Thanksgiving of that same year, George told her that Caylee’s death was an accident that “snowballed out of control”. She admitted that she was paid $4000 by the National Enquirer for her story and that she had initially lied to investigators because she was embarrassed about the affair.
 The Defense rested its case. The State plans to call some rebuttal witnesses. Casey Anthony will not take the stand.

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