
Thursday, June 9, 2011


Tony Walker
My buddy Salbo & I have a running joke about how many people I know from high school. We joke about it but when I think about it, it is actually kind of interesting.

The joke is that so many times I have a connection to something through an old high school friend.
For example.... My pool has some serious rust on it. An old high school friend is in the pool business so I called him.

My comedy group has gotten several gigs from old high school friends who run resorts, own restaurants, are involved in an organization that needs a fundraiser, etc.
I went to a prosthetic conference yesterday. (Tuesday June 7) An old high school friend works for the company that put the event together so he put me on the list.
One of the lead investigators in the Caylee Anthony case in Florida is an old high school friend.
Of course there is this wonderful site run by 2 hotties.... one of them is an old high school friend.
In fact, coincidentally Boyle knows my pal Salbo. Salbo is not a high school friend but someone we both know through 2 completely different avenues.

These are just a few instances. Once this running joke got started with Salbo & I, I started to realize how many old friends really did go on to do some wonderful things. Major surgeons, detectives, entertainers, musicians, graphic artists, teachers, firemen, & so many more came from the class that Boyle & I graduated from at Hicksville High. Our small world has many from it who are shakin' things up. Don't get me wrong... we also have our dead beats too. But when I think about how many of our old friends went on to do some wonderful things I feel proud like it's a member of my family.

Salbo is always amazed at how many people from the old days I still know & how many of them are doing so many cool things.

Do you guys feel that way when an old friend does something extraordinary? Do any of you have a long list of people from your class who are doing great things too?

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