
Thursday, June 16, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

The following poem was written to show adults how a child feels when being yelled at - it can shake them to their core. As I read it, it occurred to me that at times, I feel the same way.  Sometimes, when another adult raises their voice or speaks in that tone of voice that I perceive as yelling, I get angry and come back with a snappy remark. But when someone I love uses that tone, it makes me want to crawl into myself and hide. I guess it’s because their opinion means so much and it hurts to have them disapprove of something I’ve done, even if it was unintentional.  Maybe it’s that inner child taking over, but I never could handle being yelled at.  I wish people would think about how they speak to other human beings. I can’t think of a single instance where yelling has ever solved any problem, repaired a relationship, or helped heal a hurt. In my experience it only adds tension, causes defensiveness, and sometimes causes irreparable damage to a relationship. It may make the yeller feel a bit of relief, but it never helps the yell-ee!
What do you think? Are you a yeller? If so, does it make you feel better? Do you ever think of what you’re doing to the person you’re yelling at?  
 Don't yell at me, don't yell at me! I hate it when you do.
it makes me feel so miserable I want to run from you.
I simply cannot stand it when you yell into my ear.
If I knew how to do it I'd completely disappear!
Don't yell at me, don't yell at me!
I'll crawl away and hide. I'll detonate to smithereens
or shrivel up inside.
Feel free to thumb your nose at me or wiggle all your toes at me,
or even ring a bell at me, but please, please, please. pleeeease.
                                               -  Jack Prelutsky

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