
Monday, June 27, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
A man named John Stoner began this game several years ago. The purpose was to promote random acts of kindness mematically. You may not be familiar with the term “meme” (pronounced “meem”). A meme is a virally-transmitted cultural symbol or social idea. A meme behaves like a flu or a cold virus, traveling from person to person quickly, but transmitting an idea instead of an illness. An internet meme can be transmitted at the speed of a click to hundreds of thousands of individuals.

The Generosity Game is played by doing something nice for another person anonymously. You might pay the toll for the person coming behind you, slip some quarters in the meter of a stranger just before it runs out, or buy a treat for the next person who walks in the bakery door after you have left. When doing the good deed, you leave behind a card for the recipient of that deed. ON one side the card says “It’s your turn!” On the other side it says “Now it’s your turn; go do something good for someone else. Do it anonymously. Pass on this card.”
I remember when I was in college (many moons ago!),my friends and I often paid the toll for the next car, not even knowing about the game. We just loved to look back and see the look in the face of that person! It made us feel good to do something that made someone’s day! John Stoner’s game gives the same feeling of satisfaction.

Try it! Be creative. Leave chocolate on a coworker’s desk when he or she is having a hard day. Leave a flower, a complimentary note, a can of Diet Coke, or a cute cartoon to brighten someone’s day. Don’t confine yourself to people you know, show kindness to a complete stranger, but remember – you have to do it anonymously! Your reward will be a feeling of self- satisfaction and a lightness of spirit that only showing kindness to others can bring! I’ll even post a copy of the front and back of the card for you! C’mon, give it a try, and have a nice day!

                   DO IT ANONYMOUSLY.  PASS IT ON!


  1. A little kindness can go a L-O-N-G way!
    Start a chain reaction...

  2. Love the commercials that illustrate this! If everyone would do one single kind act each day, what a difference it would make!

  3. It only takes a spark to get a fire going....Great post!
