
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Happy Birthday Delayed Reaction Lounge!!!
We are four months old today!

Thank you so much for reading, writing, sharing links and coming back for more!  With well over 64,000 page views and readers in more then 90 countries around the world - each new post proving that we are the "little blog network" that can!  YOU, our readers, make it all worth while! THANK YOU!

Kudos also to our writers who have shared heartfelt, funny and inspiring stories day in and day out. They take the time to not only write "Posts" but are faithful to respond to comments and check in with their "fans" regularly. We couldn't be doing this without their time, talent and dedication! A VERY  SPECIAL THANK YOU to our CREW!

A VERY  SPECIAL THANK YOU to our new contributors! It's been wonderful "reading" you.  We look forward to more and more!  If you are interested... Take the plunge --- sharpen up that pencil and get to get typing! 

More good things ahead --- so stay tuned!  
Barbara & Dawn

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