
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Tony Walker
This week's He Said is really a He's Asking.
But it's my fellow men I am asking, not the women.
Guys... what's with you & sports?? 
Now I am a baseball nut. But I am NOT one of those guys who turns off what the wife is saying when she is speaking during the game.  Is the game that important? It is? What's so important about it?

I know guys whose whole day is based on the outcome of whatever game they care about.
I even know some guys who skip an event at their kids school or other important family events because a certain game is on.

GUYS!!! This is not a way to score points with the ladies!!! "OK honey. The game is over. Get on the bed!" If only it was that easy. I personally do not know any women who will give some after I ignored her for the past 3 hours.

There's one friend who talked about this with me. He said that watching football every Sunday from September through January was all he ever asked of his wife. He was all hers the rest of the year & every day except Sunday during football season. I guess in theory that sounds reasonable but in reality that's not always possible.

So come fellas.... explain to me why the guys do this. And be honest... tell us if your wife is OK with this or not.

And ladies... tell us how you feel about this. How do you rectify it?
Is there anything you ladies like so much you'll ignore us men? My wife ignores me all the time so I don't know what she thinks!


  1. I"ll respond to this ridiculous blog!
    "What's with guys and sports"? HUH!???????????? Is your next thread, "Why do women like to shop"?

    Why do guys watch football on Sundays? Are you serious? I'm blown away by this. But there's always a reason behind everything, so let's break this one down:

    I bet you were a kid who's favorite class was chorus, and activity? The glee club after school? I'm sure you avoided boys, unless they exhibited the same female characteristics you clearly possess. Sound familiar? Probably couldn't get a girl your whole life, but had lots of girl friends?

    You cannot relate to sports because you haven't a coordinated bone in your body and I'm sure never participated in any sport whatsoever. You realized at a young age that you had much more in common with the girls on the block.

    So you not understanding why we watch Sunday football comes as no surprise to REAL MEN. Real Women also understand that... YES, the Jets at 1pm is a big deal to a Jets fan. There's no disrespect to the woman, she gets it. Exactly what world (or household) are you living in!??

    Have boys? I bet you couldn't teach them to hit or catch a ball. And that is truly sad. This is what real men, real fathers do with their sons growing up. Also, a child sitting down with dad to watch a game, where he tells stories about his gridiron idols when he grew up. Children never forget those memories. Playing catch is one of the greatest things to do with your son.

    I bet you haven't many, if any, male friends. "I know guys whose whole day is based on [sports]"....What are you in 3rd grade? Youre not a man- you're a confused, arrested development, pathetic boy.

    "Scoring points with the ladies"? Now that is funny, funny man. You wouldn't know the first thing about that. In your 2nd marriage yes? You are the last person to give advice on pleasing the ladies. You already failed once at that on the grandest stage!

    You wanted honesty, well you got it! After reading this blog or whatever you fools call it, I've concluded- You are the most effeminate male ive heard in quite some time!

    Girls will back you, because you are one of them. There isn't a man reading your crap that isn't shaking his head saying, "is this guy fucking kidding me"?

    Great blog!

  2. WOW Pat, looks like someone has some serious issues! Talk about stereotyping! I know enough about Tony to assure you that he is a REAL man. He works hard to support his family,takes time to be with his wife and children, has fought battles with cancer that only a strong spirit could survive and still hav a positive attitude about life.Being addicted to sports does not make one a man. Living up to responsibilities and caring for others more than yourself, that's what makes a man. My brother in law loves sports, coaches,and lives for superbowl, but would give up watching the big game in a heartbeat if the kids needed him or had a special event in their lives. He's a real man. My husband isn't interested in football or baseball,but he is a black belt, an avid fisherman and restores antique cars to race.For him, family comes first, and I can tell you , he is a REAL MAN!!!!I also have male friends who sing, dance,and love the theater, none of which makes any of them less of man.
    I suggest you look beyond your narrow understanding of what makes a man. Perhaps you were raised in an environment of prejudice and ignorance,but you're an adult now and should seek to become educated and give up the Archie Bunker attitude.

  3. hmmmm is this the HE-MAN WOMEN HATERS CLUB???? Do you actually put the Bruski down before you smack the crap out of your kid for not wanting to have that memorable catch with ya? Does that woman of yours actually walk around barefoot and pregnant? Jeezzze... in my end of the world REAL MEN don't have to tell another man what a REAL MAN is....just sayin!

    Kind of like the person who is ALWAYS talking about how they have their shit together, but they are a HOT MESS.

    Sounds like you are a real catch "Pat". Bet they would be lining up to have the fortune of being with a "REAL MAN" like you.

  4. Hey Pat LaFontaine real men use their real name! You seem like a mean, miserable human being. If I didn't think you were such a dick, I would feel sorry for you.

  5. Hey Pat LaFontaine real men use their real names. You sound like an angry, miserable human being. If you weren't such a dick I'd feel sorry for you.

  6. Pat LaFontaine...
    Spoken like a true clueless, friendless, idiot who's own children (if you had any) would shudder to be around. You are a drink and smack away from being a carbon copy of your own father. I am sure your wife/girlfriends "ADORE" you as does the rest of your relatives with the homophobic macho attitude you clearly display and take pride in. BRAVO spineless fool who can't even use his own identity on some stupid blog that obviously irritates you to the core....NEGATIVITY, JEALOUSY & HATE are really attractive, I bet you are a real stud with the ladies.

    Taking odds on how lonely you will be in a few years....want in? I am sure "REAL MEN" would want to bet on this!

  7. "REAL MAN", my A$$, --with the dysfunction & fakeness you constantly display, you wouldn't know a REAL PERSON if they stared you in the face! -- You are a broken, spiteful coward, Mr. LaFontaine. AMAZING how you seem to loathe delayed reaction longe - (Thou does detest too much!) yet you just can't stay away! There is such a very fine line between jealously and hate! Why don't you share... WHY CAN'T YOU TEAR YOURSELF AWAY? Tell the truth, use your name. Dare ya... Double dare ya!!!!!

  8. Time to confess...
    My name is really Tony LaFontaine.
    Pat is my cross dressing, ballet dancing, Oprah watching, pocket book wearing brother.

  9. HA, Tony! You and Marion (and the others) - have said it all! I'm not going to dignify....

    As for your post - it seems the initial - "Why be so obsessed" theme got lost..... Sorry my friend! Another day another post!

  10. Like I said, not one male voice. Why? Because I hit the nail on the head Tony, you are right at home with your girl friends here.
    Go any "scoring points with the ladies" advice here? I really want to liked by a bunch of spoiled, jobless, clueless women- who should spend more time at the gym, instead of the "lounge."

  11. Mommy lived with her toooooo long and your hate for others is disturbing

  12. Yo bro why do you even comment

  13. The only time this lame site gets some life, is when i come around. Take a look at the past week of comments here, you wont find 10 collectively.

    ""GUYS!!! This is not a way to score points with the ladies!!!""

    Still waiting for my "class with tony" seeing he's had such great success with women and relationships...?

  14. It is AMAZING that you cannot tear yourself away! Aware of every comment on the site. Funny, Mr. REAL MAN, you give an awful lot of your free and precious time to reading a "a bunch of spoiled, jobless, clueless women- who should spend more time at the gym, instead of the "lounge."

    You are a JACKASS who is afraid to approach them to admit that you F*%KED UP! Jealously and misdirected anger that you let them slip through you fingers and didn't get to use them long enough! These "women" have more BALLS then you ever did. Go blow smoke up HUFFINGTON POST'S ASS! GO RUN 360s THOUGH CYBERSPACE. Or stay - and entertain - YOU KNOW YOU WILL YOU COULDN'T TEAR YOURSELF AWAY IF YOU TRIED!

  15. OK enough is enough.

    Attacking me is one thing but to attack these spoiled, jobless, clueless women? These women bust their asses trying to make something happen with this site while working their jobs, taking care of a family, etc. What are you doing other than being a dick?

    You wanna debate a point I'll go all day long with you. But to attack us on a personal level (without even being man enough to tell us who you really are) you're just showing us what a pussy YOU are.

    If you want girl advice from me tell me who you really are. I'd be glad to meet you in person & we can fix this problem. I'm man enough... are you?

  16. I used to love football, the Dolphins first because I was born in Florida. Then the Cowboys during the Landry days, because well they were the Cowboys during the Landry days. Now I can't stand football. One day I woke up to a bunch of over paid over privileged jerks, that seam to think it's OK to do what ever the hell they want. That is no role model I want or want any kids to have. Being a Real Man has nothing to do with watching sports or not, but I think the appeal is tied to some primal urge to compete either vicariously or in person. Tony, maybe why you don't have the urge to watch is that you are competing for survival in real life and don't have time to watch a bunch of guys that get paid a million dollars an hour to chase a little ball around.

    Oh and Mr. LaFontaine, this boy hung around my mom's dance company, because that is were all the girls were. I batted clean-up, averaged .286 and wasn't picked last at the neighborhood pick-up games. Those girls taught me moves you will never learn.

  17. I used to love football, but now i prefer to dance! Step 1,2 step 3,4....i just love it! I owe it all to my mommies dance company!
    And my boyfriend, Tony, taught my lots about girls!! That is until we, well, you know.....

  18. Read and let read...
    Life is too short to stress ourselves with people who don’t even deserve to be an issue in our life.

  19. Bad things come to those who hate.

  20. Negativity can only feed on negativity.

  21. Dr. Hendrie WeisingerJune 15, 2011 at 12:14 AM

    "People who project negativity typically have low self-esteem. They feel badly about themselves, and their negativity is simply a reflection of those feelings."

  22. I would like to thank everyone who put in their 2 cents here.

    A personal attack on someone who you don't know or have any reason for is a sign of what I like to call SDS (SMALL DICK SYNDROM). SDS affects many people. It has been known to make them buy speed boats, fast cars and can cause you to act like a BIG DICK to over compensate for the small one you have.

    There is no know cure for SDS, but to just ignore the person suffering from SDS.

  23. Actually Dawn I think I have a cure for SDS since I myself have a small dick.
    The cure is actually very simple. DON'T ACT LIKE A BIG DICK!!!
    It's not the size of the dick it's how you use it. I do just fine with mine.

  24. Wow! It has been My experience that Men with small Pee Pee's are obsessed with sports. Definitely closet homosexuals.The only exception is if there is money involved with the game. The Men that I have had the best sex with could care less about sports. Just saying.
