
Thursday, June 2, 2011


Dawn Boyle

At a party last night (shout out to my Bunco girls) the trail of Casey Anthony came up. Everyone was very passionate about their feelings towards this animal who killed her daughter. I know, I know, innocent until proven guilty...that is BS when it comes to this lunatic in my eyes! A few of the ladies spoke of how they are tuning in to watch the trail, very similar to watching the OJ Simpson fiasco years ago.

I must admit, I watched OJ. I even remember where I was (Locust Valley Tavern) when the slow speed chase of the white bronco was on TV. I have tuned in a few times to the Anthony case as well.

What is it about these cases that make us glued to the boob tube?

Will you watch the Anthony case?

Do you remember where you were when verdicts were read for high profile cases?

1 comment:

  1. Veronica CampbellJune 2, 2011 at 6:07 PM

    I don't know why I wasn't that interested in the OJ or Gotti trials, but maybe because this concerns a little girl, I find myself wanting to know all the details. I guess I just can't understand how a mother could hurt her own chld.
