
Thursday, June 16, 2011


Natalie Molloy

Franz had just won his fight against Jimmy Palazzola in Ft. Lauderdale Florida. Jimmy Palazzola was rumored to be backed by Frank Sinatra (Sinatra's Boy) . Always up for a good time, the dapper Franz met his buddies for a night on the town, to celebrate. As he entered the club and walked through the crowds of ladies in pretty dresses and men in sharp suits smoking their finest cigars and cigarettes, new fans and friends being made by a congratulatory hand shake . Closer to his meeting spot he was stopped as a man jumped up from his table to shake his hand and offer a few words of encouragement . With a hand on Franz's shoulder and another in a solid grip the man said " Great fight tonight champ ,you put on a good show. "Thank You " replied Franz. "I think we're gonna see you in Madison Square Garden soon , how about it?" said the man. Franz (if you really knew him) had a look he couldn't hold back when he thought someone was full of s--- , he burst out with a "HA , sure , an a------ full of promises!". Now , as a fighter back then , still now I think, Madison Square Garden was the "PLACE OF PLACES" the "Real Deal" a certain esteem followed you if you fought there. It's where you wanted to be , a goal you set yourself. For any fighter ...a dream! It's like the Academy Award of fighting. 

Franz finally caught up with his friends, they ALL were VERY interested in what that last guy at the table had to say. Franz told them all what happened , and what he had said as well. Harmoniously his smoking pals quickly put out their cigarettes , hands and arms started waving in the air......."OH NO...Oh Franz you gotta go back , you don't want to say the wrong thing or look at that guy the wrong way. They explained to Franz what the deal with the guy in the nice suit was all about. Franz was shaken up, flurries of words like missing and family swirled in his head... "Oh my God , now what." he had a knowledge of the said man , heard some rumors and what not. So , Franz , cautiously eager to clarify the situation with the said man approached him at his table. "Excuse me sir " the man stood back up " Hey what's up champ" , Franz- " Hey sorry if I said something wrong , I meant no disrespect , I hope you understand ." The man actually laughed at him and said "No problem here Franz , I like a tough kid , a kid with gutts, go have a drink on me." EXTREMELY relieved Franz was able to enjoy himself, accompanied by nervous laughter all night. Six fights later Franz fought Spider Webb in Madison Square Garden . Spider Webb was a replacement for Gene Fullmer . Had Franz fought Gene Fullmer and won , he probably would have fought for a title. Gene Fullmer cancelled on Franz three times total. Oh , and the "man in the suit " - Frankie Carbo.

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