
Saturday, June 25, 2011


1906 - Pittsburgh millionaire Harry Kendall Thaw, the son of coal and railroad baron William Thaw, shot and killed Stanford White. White, a prominent architect, had a tryst with Florence Evelyn Nesbit before she married Thaw. The shooting took place at the premeire of Mamzelle Champagne in New York.
1910 - The U.S. Congress authorized the use of postal savings stamps.
1917 - The first American fighting troops landed in France.
1920 - The Greeks took 8,000 Turkish prisoners in Smyrna.
1921 - Samuel Gompers was elected head of the AFL for the 40th time.
1938 - Gaelic scholar Douglas Hyde was inaugurated as the first president of the Irish Republic.
1941 - Finland declared war on the Soviet Union.
1946 - Ho Chi Minh traveled to France for talks on Vietnamese independence.
1948 - The Soviet Union tightened its blockade of Berlin by intercepting river barges heading for the city.

1950 - North Korea invaded South Korea initiating the Korean War.
1951 - In New York, the first regular commercial color TV transmissions were presented on CBS using the FCC-approved CBS Color System. The public did not own color TV's at the time.
1952 - John Christie, the British murderer of 10 Rillington Place, was sentenced to death for killing six women.
1959 - The Cuban government seized 2.35 million acres under a new agrarian reform law.
1959 - Eamon De Valera became president of Ireland at the age of 76.
1962 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the use of unofficial non-denominational prayer in public schools was unconstitutional.
1964 - U.S. President Lyndon Johnson ordered 200 naval personnel to Mississippi to assist in finding three missing civil rights workers.
1966 - "Dark Shadows" began running on ABC-TV.
1968 - Bobby Bonds (San Francisco Giants) hit a grand-slam home run in his first game with the Giants. He was the first player to debut with a grand-slam.
1970 - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission handed down a ruling (35 FR 7732), making it illegal for radio stations to put telephone calls on the air without the permission of the person being called.
1973 - Erskine Childers Jr. became president of Ireland after the retirement of Eamon De Valera.
1973 - White House Counsel John Dean admitted that U.S. President Nixon took part in the Watergate cover-up.
1975 - Mozambique became independent. Samora Machel was sworn in as president after 477 years of Portuguese rule.
1981 - The U.S. Supreme Court decided that male-only draft registration was constitutional.
1985 - ABC’s "Monday Night Football" began with a new line-up. The trio was Frank Gifford, Joe Namath and O.J. Simpson.
1985 - New York Yankees officials enacted the rule that mandated that the team’s bat boys were to wear protective helmets during all games.
1986 - The U.S. Congress approved $100 million in aid to the Contras fighting in Nicaragua.
1987 - Austrian President Kurt Waldheim visited Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. The meeting was controversial due to allegations that Waldheim had hidden his Nazi past.
1990 - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of an individual, whose wishes are clearly made, to refuse life-sustaining medical treatment. "The right to die" decision was made in the Curzan vs. Missouri case.
1991 - The last Soviet troops left Czechoslovakia 23 years after the Warsaw Pact invasion.
1991 - The Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and Croatia declared their independence from Yugoslavia.
1993 - Kim Campbell took office as Canada's first woman prime minister. She assumed power upon the resignation of Brian Mulroney.
1996 - Outside the Khobar Towers near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia a truck bomb exploded. The bomb killed 19 Americans and injured over 500 Saudis and Americans.
1997 - The Russian space station Mir was hit by an unmanned cargo vessel. Much of the power supply was knocked out and the station's Spektr module was severely damaged.
1997 - U.S. air pollution standards were significantly tightened by U.S. President Clinton.
1998 - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the line-item veto thereby striking down presidential power to cancel specific items in tax and spending legislation.
1998 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that those infected with HIV are protected by the Americans With Disabilities Act.
1998 - Microsoft's "Windows 98" was released to the public.
1999 - Germany's parliament approved a national Holocaust memorial to be built in Berlin.
2000 - U.S. and British researchers announced that they had completed a rough draft of a map of the genetic makeup of human beings. The project was 10 years old at the time of the announcement.
2000 - A Florida judge approved a class-action lawsuit to be filed against American Online (AOL) on behalf of hourly subscribers who were forced to view "pop-up" advertisements.

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