
Saturday, June 4, 2011


On day 9 of the Casey Anthony trial, jurors watched jailhouse phone conversations between Casey and her parents.  She continues to praise her parents and tell them how much she loves them. When told she could only meet one family member in person, Casey chose her Dad, stating that he was the one she could talk to the most. These conversations should make it difficult for jurors to view George Anthony as the sexual abuser and monster the defense would like to present. 
In one particular conversation Cindy tells Casey that the “latest” gossip is that Caylee drowned in the pool. Casey shows no reaction other than to say “Surprise, surprise!” No reaction was noted from George Anthony at that time. Experts looked for a glimmer of recognition or sign of some hidden message between Casey and her father, but there was absolutely nothing, again refuting the defense’s claim that George tried to cover up an accidental drowning.
As the trial proceeds, it seems to be picking up momentum. More and more people have become “hooked” on watching the trial and speculating on the outcome.  It has truly become our #1 daytime drama!  The crowds lining up to be one of the 50 people allowed in the courtroom grows daily, showing the concern and curiosity of the masses.
Again, all we can hope for at this point is that the truth will be uncovered and that little Caylee can rest in peace knowing that justice has been served.


  1. Must be difficult to tune in everyday while having a full-time job?? impressive!

  2. I'm disabled and am limited in what I can do. I watch the highlights of the trial but do a lot of research on the internet for all my posts.Other than that I spend my time in aquatherapy, sewing quilts for children and babies in the hospital, writing a children's Florida History series and making scrapbooks for friends. Sorry, not so impressive!

  3. are amazing! We are very lucky and happy to have you in our DRL family! Plus our numbers show how much you are read!! Keep on keeping on!

  4. Marion - You have more class and courage in your pinky finger...

    I'm not even going to dignify with more of a response, except to say that those who think the least of themselves usually have the most to critique about others. I pity people like that.... For most it's a sad, lonely and/or angry dysfunctional place.

    Your posts are always upbeat, amazing, welcomed and wanted! Know it - always!

  5. Also.... Please Note, Marion's name was not on this post - seems once again it seems the ax being ground is with Dawn and I. If you are going to keep using faux names, might I suggest "Cowardly Lion".

  6. I think about how a little girl lost her life.

    I once served on a murder trial for a mother and a baby who were killed. It's all so sad. Justice is done, but there are no winners.

    Marion, thanks for keeping us updated. I look forward to all your posts.

  7. Marion,
    I love that I found your posts today :) I've been watching the trial off and on, and when I heard you were blogging it I had to come read. I always know your posts will be fair, insightful and intelligent. Basically I love anything you write!!

  8. Factual, concise, interesting! Good update, thank you.
