
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Endeavor ended its 122 million mile career with a bang this morning at around 2:35 am. I was sitting at my computer typing when two shotgun like blasts scared about 2 years off my life before I realized that the shuttle was due back. I switched on the TV to witness a smooth landing for Endeavor and the end of its 16 day mission.
Commander Mark Kelly spoke of the amazing design of the shuttle and how Endeavor, even though its career is at an end, leaves a great legacy.
Even as Endeavor landed for the last time at KSC, Atlantis sits on the pad awaiting its final flight and the end of an era in Space Travel.  I don’t know how it is elsewhere, but here on the Space Coast, there is great sadness and disappointment at the coming end of the shuttle program.
We hope that new plans and programs will soon help restore our area to the vital, thriving, center for space exploration and research that it has been since President Kennedy first set the goal of reaching the moon. We also hope that people everywhere will remember all the advances in Science, Medicine, Technology, Diet and Nutrition, and so many other areas that came about because of the work that was done in the space program.


  1. Most high tech advances for the human race have all come out of wars. Where the space program has given those sorts of advances peacefully. It saddens me that this heroic and lofty goal has been so casually tossed aside. So I salute all the shuttles and all their crews at NASA. I hope on day again we will reach for the Stars!
