
Thursday, June 2, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

So many women find that after a while the gifts become impersonal and are given without thought or concern. Some find the gifts don’t come at all. And some wind up receiving the worst gift a husband or lover can give – the dreaded GIFT CARD!  This says “I just want to grab something and not think about it.”  It ranks right up there with the toaster, vacuum cleaner or blender for a gift. (unless of course that’s what your heart really desires!)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I need expensive gifts to feel loved. I just love the thought and time that goes into the choosing of the gift. The financial value truly doesn’t matter as much as knowing that my husband knows me, knows my likes and dislikes, my hobbies and habits. Many times the gift is not jewelry or flowers, but something I longed for but never mentioned because I really didn’t need it. Somehow he knows what’s in my heart and it magically appears under the Christmas tree or in my Easter basket!
When I was first married, I didn’t have the money for a set of good china. Besides that, I preferred a good sturdy set of stone wear. A few years ago I decided that I really wanted that delicate, classy china! But because of my love of history and all things from the past, I wanted antique china! My husband found a set of Noritake Azalea China from 1929 in perfect condition.  He surprised me with it on my birthday and had my mother in law get me the serving set to match.  Go on girls; tell me you can top that?  I don’t think so!
So if you’re wondering what the gift he gives you is saying, here’s a partial interpretation:
He got you: Holiday-themed chocolates
What it says:
“I bought this at the supermarket on the way over here, probably because I’m surprised that we made it to the holidays and hadn’t planned on getting you anything.”

He got you: Plane tickets for a romantic getaway What it says: “I think our relationship is strong enough to withstand non-stop quality time and hearing/smelling each other’s bodily functions through the hotel’s bathroom door.”
He got you: A couple-friendly sex toyWhat it says: “I’m tired of being on top.”

He got you: A solo sex toy just for youWhat it says: “I’ve been fantasizing about this since the first time I saw you naked.”

He got you: A gym membership, after you’ve been complaining about how you want but can’t afford a gym membership
What it says: “I’m a little clueless, but thoughtful.”

He got you: A gym membership, despite you never mentioning your weight, exercise, or visiting a gym
What it says: “I’m clueless, and I’ll be sleeping on the couch this week.”

He got you: Anything he made himself
What it says: “If you weren’t sure how into you I am, the answer is very.”

He got you: A promise that your gift is on its way, coupled with mumbling about it being held up at the post office What it says: “I just ordered it yesterday and didn’t even splurge for overnight shipping.”

He got you: Lingerie that’s totally your style
What it says: “I know what makes you feel sexy and I’m willing to spend an hour at Victoria’s Secret looking creepy to give it to you.”

He got you: A framed picture of the two of youWhat it says: “I’m a cheesy romantic.”

He got you: A framed picture of the two of you, blown up to the size of your bedroom wall
What it says: “I hope the cheesy romance factor conceals the fact that I have a shrine to you in my room and am knitting mittens out of your hair.”

He got you: A pet for the two of you
What it says: “I’ve already booked a caterer and reception hall for our wedding, just in case. Don’t mind the shelf of baby name books in my living room.”

He got you: A pair of earrings
What it says: “I think you’re worth a million bucks—but I could
only afford $79.99 at Zale’s.”

He got you: A gift certificate to a spa
What it says: “I want you to feel completely pampered while I picture you being oiled up and rubbed down.”
List compiled by Diana Vilibert

I remember the Mother’s Day right after my daughter was born. My husband surprised me with a beautiful gold necklace and red roses. I felt special and loved, as I’m sure was his goal. As my children grew older and were able to buy gifts for themselves, I expected the Mother’s Day gifts from my husband to stop. They didn’t. Each year he gives me something personal, thoughtful, and beautiful. It means SO much because it tells me he still cares.


  1. A friend of mine shared this...
    "Barbara, what does it mean when your WIFE says 'your so hard to shop for' or just flat out asks you what you want for your b-day??? I read the article and sadly, it goes both ways."

    He is very right!!! Ladies... many of us want the fuss & muss... my question to you, is do you put back the same efforts? Does out gender forget to do unto others??? Thoughts.....

  2. He probably keeps buying you stuff, so you don't notice, or get mad at him for all the toys he buys himself!

  3. I have to say I try very hard to get something special for my husband, but he tends to buy whatever he wants when he wants it.He's very hard to buy for! He's also too smart and onbservant to surprise but I keep trying! I think I've got him for Father's Day! We'll see!

  4. Women are more sensitive to the meaning of gifts. Some men are just clueless and get what they think a woman would love and it's a bomb! Some women are the same, because they like something they're sure the guy will love it too. It's a rare person who is so tuned in like your guy Marion. You're a lucky woman.
