
Monday, June 27, 2011


Tony Walker
I was talking to a friend tonight about marriage. This friend is in his mid thirties, never married, & currently in a relationship with a woman for almost 2 years.

He was telling me how some of his buddies were telling him how their wives made them think that their lives were going to be wonderful once they were married.... sex all the time, a nice house, lots of property, full of love, etc. All these guys told him that none of these things came true! These men also told them that all their kids do is play video games & are never outside playing. This is the part that bothered me... he said all these guys told him they would never marry again AND if they could do it all again they wouldn't marry their wives again!!!!

Have any of you had similar conversations with your friends? Is it really that bad out there? I took the plunge twice so far. Sure #1 was a mistake but it wasn't so bad that it stopped me from doing it again. Do any of you wish you could go back & do things different? Do any of you wish you could go back & not marry your spouse?


  1. Would I marry my husband all over again? In a heartbeat!

  2. There are a few things in my life I would like to do differently. I wouldn't have "enjoyed" college so much, or bought that timeshare, or bought our current house just before the market collapsed. As for marrying my wife, I thank God every day that we're together. She is the best thing that has, or ever will happen to me. So yes Tony, I would marry her again, and again, and again.

  3. That was beautiful Anonymous. You should put your name, with pride, to that comment.:)

  4. Sometimes it's not just about if you'd do it again, but if it was right in the first place. Then it's a matter of how much you value the promises and vows. How much both people do. You can't always keep it together - if you are doing it alone.

    Also, despite what I once thought - LOVE isn't always enough. You can love someone and that doesn't make it a healthy relationship or a good partnership. But you can love them enough to choose to stay, and or to do it again...

  5. So true Jillian.
    Ellen I think Anonymous is Nebish. (Inside joke)

  6. Good Post to get 'em thinking, Tony!

    "Choose to be happy. Love the one you are with - celebrate that choice - after all - you made it. On your wedding day you make promises. Each anniversary fulfills those promises. In life it’s important to make commitments, but remember the importance and value of keeping the promises that you’ve made. Love is the sum of our choices, the strength of our commitments, the ties that bind us together..."
    Forgive me if it's bad manners to quote yourself... LOL :)
