
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Tony Walker
There are so many things I am bad at when it comes to pleasing the opposite sex. My ex wife would probably say I am bad at most things. Hell, my current wife might say the same!!

Well for this week's He Said I am just going to talk about one thing that I am really bad at.
Knowing the kind of a sex a woman wants.
Let me explain...

Have you ever been with a lover where you felt like hanging from the rafters, getting out every thing you have that vibrates, make some animal noises, & wanted to ignore every boundary you've ever had?
Have you ever been with a lover where you felt like lighting candles, putting on some Marvin Gaye, kissed for hours, & made slow passionate love?

This is what I am talking about. I never seem to figure out what a woman is up for.
Oh sure... sometimes you walk into a room, a house, whatever, & you know she's up for a romantic, lovemaking night. I'm not talking about those nights.

There are the nights she agreed for the first time ever to go to a strip club & now she's feeling dirty... in a good way. I'm not talking about those nights.
I'm talking about the nights where you're just not sure. The spur of the moment nights.
Whenever I'm in a romantic mood, she's not.
Whenever I feel like going ape, she's not.

Ladies please explain this to me.

What gets you in the mood for crazy sex? Is it something like going to a strip club or to a rock concert?
What gets you in the mood for making love? Is it something like an anniversary or birthday?
Is it better to play it by ear?
Tell us what you think. Tell us if you've been in this situation & how you handled it.

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