
Monday, July 4, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
The jury for the Casey Anthony murder trial is in deliberation. This morning, closing arguments ended with the prosecution presenting Casey  as a pathological liar who diverted attention away from herself by claiming her dead daughter, Caylee, had been kidnapped.
State Prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick played portions of jailhouse tapes of Casey Anthony lying about her daughter being kidnapped by a fictional nanny and the 911 call made by Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, to report Caylee missing, further showing Casey’s lies despite the anguish it caused her parents.
"When you use your common sense, you can listen and hear that there's nothing that's wrong with Casey Anthony that can't be explained using two words: pathological liar," Burdick said.
"At the end of this case, all you really have to do is ask yourself the simple question, 'Whose life was better without Caylee?'" Burdick said.
The prosecution ended by showing a picture of a “party girl” Casey  and the tattoo that read "Bella Vita," Italian for the beautiful life, all while Caylee was supposedly missing.
Earlier,Prosecutor Jeff Ashton, showed jurors images of the skull and skeletal remains of Caylee. He reminded them of the state’s claim that pieces of duct tape on the remains were placed on Caylee before she died.
“We believe the evidence in the case supports the scenario that Casey Anthony chloroformed Caylee so that she would not suffer, placed duct tape over her nose and mouth…and then disposed of her body," Ashton said.
"Any way you slice it...Casey Anthony is guilty of murder in the first degree in this case," Ashton concluded
According to ABC News, Judge Belvin Perry instructed jurors how to proceed in their deliberations. He gave jurors the option of finding her guilty of a lesser crime such as second degree murder, manslaughter or third degree felony murder. Those crimes do not carry a death sentence.
Along with the first degree murder charge, Anthony faces charges of aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four charges of lying to law enforcement.

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