
Friday, July 15, 2011


_Missing Brooklyn Boy Found

Tony Walker

Here in NY, Brooklyn to be exact, an eight year old boy was kidnapped and murdered this week.
The boy bugged his mother to be allowed to walk (to camp I think it was) by himself. His mother convinced him to meet her halfway then she would walk the rest of the way with him.
She mapped out a route and went over it with him.
Sure enough on the very first try the boy made a wrong turn and got lost.
He asked a man he saw, a man he didn't know, to help him.
The man told the kid he would drive him home.
This man kidnapped the boy.
Their meeting was outside a dentist's office who had security cameras record the whole thing. Investigators saw the tape, got the man's name from the dentist, then went to the man's house. When they got there they asked the man where the boy is and the man pointed to the refrigerator. Some body parts of the boy was in there. The rest of the boy was found in a dumpster a few miles away.
Is anyone outraged at the mother???
The boy bugged her to walk alone?? He's eight!!! Tell the boy he is too young. End of story!
Hey kid, I'd rather you cry now than me crying later!!!
When we were kids we all walked around alone at that age. I know I did. But unfortunately times have changed.
I saw one report that said the boy was special needs. None of the other reports I saw said that but if it's true that makes this even worse.
Call me cold, but I feel the mother is a huge part of the blame here. Sorry.
What do you guys think? Do you place any blame on the mother? Do you leave your kids alone at that age? If you do, tell us where you live.


  1. I need to clarify the very last line of this post.
    "Do you leave your kids alone at that age? If you do, tell us where you live."
    This was NOT meant as an off color joke.... tell us where you live so we can kidnap your kid! It's not that at all.
    I meant tell us where you live because where you are might make a difference on whether you should leave your kid alone or not. For example, here on Long Island it's unfortunately not a good idea to leave an eight year old alone as opposed to a small town in Ohio or where the small town doesn't have these kinds of worries. Do you know what I mean?

  2. I can't imagine the grief one has at the loss of a child. The guilt Leiby Kletzky's parents have over his death must be unbearable. Others pointing fingers and blaming them for making the decision to let their son walk alone from camp is unfair and unnecessary. The blame these parents will put on themselves will haunt them for a very long time. (Also I'm not sure why only the mother is being blamed. It was her decision alone, the father had no input?)

    The world hasn't changed so much. According to the Justice Department, which tracks such data, there has been no increase at all in the numbers of missing children. We just hear about it more. I live in Brooklyn where I see middle-school age kids take the subway or walk alone to school. Younger kids run to the store for their parents. It happens every day without incident. When it doesn't, the media seizes the chance to scare us into thinking there's an epidemic. Children do go missing but in such cases, as the media rarely notes, 90 percent of “abductees” return home within 24 hours. In cases where the abduction ends in violence or death there are only about 115 such incidents each year. Too many of course, but not the perception of thousands that many have.

    And because this was sadly one of those cases and the child was eight, you think the mother deserves some blame for what happened? What if the child had been 12 or 14? The only one that deserves blame is the person who saw this trusting little boy and ended his life.

  3. I disagree with you, how can we blame the parents of this tragic death? I am sure they went over the route a hundred times, I am sure the parents were terrified to let Lieby become the independent 8 year old that he so wanted to become, and I am sure they are
    blaming themselves but the only person to blame is the savage beast.

    Personally would I let my 8 year old alone? No, cause I don't trust him. I would however trust my 9 year old nephew who is years beyond is age.

    In addition, I walked home more than 10 blocks to and from school at the age of 8 with my sisters or by myself, its just a different world we live in

  4. SOOOO SAD! Another monster, another innocent child taken from our sick world.

    I would not blame the mother. I know she will be blaming herself forever. The Jewish community in which they live (BOROUGH PARK) is a very tight neighborhood. Seems wrong place at wrong time is really the issue here.

    Levi Aron will be punished. If not by the some big pissed off dude in Rikers, inmates don't take well to baby killers.

  5. You guys are absolutely right.
    I'm sure the mother has tons of guilt already & doesn't need people like me pointing fingers.
    This post was what I wrote out of anger at this situation.
    I will point out that I left the father out only because all the reports I read/saw only mentioned the mother. That's the only reason I only mentioned her.
