
Sunday, July 17, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

I was watching Dr. Oz today while writing for DRL. I had to stop writing because I was so engrossed in the program. His guest today was Deepak Chopra, the Guru of Alternative Health and Meditation.
Deepak Chopra’s message today was that we can actually lose weight using meditation. He says people eat for 2 reasons: physical hunger and emotional hunger. It’s emotional hunger that causes us to gain weight.
Deepak Chopra said that meditation can bring your metabolism up and it becomes self-regulating in a homeostasis state, which is where everything is unaffected by what is going on outside of your body, so you lose weight.  Dr. Oz said that if you are chronically stressed, the hormones from the Fight or Flight phenomenon get trapped in your body and make you gain belly fat.  If you meditate, your hormones are soothed and you do not get to this state.  Deepak Chopra also said that meditation increases your telomeres. (A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA sequence at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes. The telomere regions deter the degradation of genes near the ends of chromosomes If cells divided without telomeres, they would lose the ends of their chromosomes, and the necessary information they contain.
In the first steps of this meditation, sit in a relaxed posture; put your attention on your heart, and experience gratitude and love.  When you do this, the neurons in the emotional section of your brain begin to fire. So, in this step, we are wiring together our neurons for emotional happiness.
Next, focus on questions like “who am I? And what makes me happy? “This activates the pre-frontal cortex which is in charge of cognition and our thoughts, so we are re-wiring the synapses there.
After that, scan your body for sensations, which stimulates the part of your brain where you monitor experiences.  Finally, you pull your attention to your heartbeat in your fingers and it is amazing that by doing that you actually increase your blood flow to your hands and your blood pressure drops by 10 points.  The more you do this, the more you lower your blood pressure.  You can actually learn to regulate your heart beat and to change your body temperature too.  Deepak said that you are overwriting your mid-brain by doing this.
I’ve attached the directions posted on Dr. Oz’s page for this meditation. It takes only 5 minutes a day, but Dr. Oz says many of his patients have actually lost weight simply by doing this meditation. How about giving it a try? Be sure and let us know how it goes! I’ll be trying it myself so wish me luck!

Dr. Oz: Weight Loss Meditation
Here are the steps that Deepak Chopra walked everyone through to do a Weight Loss Meditation on the Dr. Oz Show.
1.  Put your feet firmly on the ground so that they do not cross.
2.  Put your hands on your lap with your palms facing up.
3.  Close your eyes and pay attention to your heart.
4.  Experience gratitude by thinking of blessings and counting your blessings.  Be grateful for everything good in your life.  Let your ego move out of the way.
5.  Recall an experience of love like someone you love or someone who loves you.
6.  Keep your attention on your heart and ask yourself a few questions like the following: Who Am I? Do not try to figure out the answer, just let your heart answer and guide you.  What do I want?  What is my purpose?  What makes me happy?
7.  Observe all of the sensations in your body.  This step is all about simple awareness of your body.  Bring awareness into your breathe and breathe air in through your nostrils.  Observe as the air moves in and out.  As you take a breath in, think of the word “so” and as you breathe out, think of the word “hum.”  When your mind starts to wander, this is normal, just bring it back to “so” on your in breathe and “hum” on your out breath.
8.  Keep your eyes closed and keep your attention on your heart.  Focus on sensing your heart beat as either a sound or a sensation.
9.  Move your awareness into your open hands and finger tips.  See if you can sense your heartbeat in your fingertips as a warm, tingling sensation or mild throbbing.
10.  Bring awareness back to your heart and relax your body.  Yawn, move, or stretch if you want.  Take half a minute and gently open your eyes.


  1. Oh! That really sounds great! I wonder if I could also lose that much of weight in as less time as you did. You went to California medical weight management. Right? I will also visit there and talk to the doctor. When can I go there? Is it 7 days open? And is there no consultation fee for anyone? Please Fill the Contactus form fast. Thanks

  2. No, I didn't go anywhere, I just did my own thing at home.I do think that it helps a lot of people to have a doctor follow their weight loss program though. By the way, if you look anything like your picture, you don't need to lose any weight!

  3. I printed out the steps and plan on trying it! Great Post , thanks.

  4. great post!!! it sounds good that meditation also reduces i will surely do this for loosing my weight
