
Sunday, July 31, 2011


Did You Know...

Abraham Lincoln, who invented a hydraulic device for lifting ships over shoals, was the only US president ever granted a patent.

Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes.

Baskin Robbins once made ketchup ice cream. This was the only vegetable flavored ice cream produced.

Bats are the only mammal that can fly and bats have only one baby a year.

Elvis Presley made only one television commercial - an ad for "Southern Maid Doughnuts" that ran in 1954.

Hawaii has the only royal palace in the United States - Iolani.

James Buchanan was the only US president never to be married.

Libra, the Scales, is the only inanimate symbol in the zodiac.

Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.

Swans are the only birds with penises.

Teeth are the only parts of the human body that can't repair themselves.

The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

The hyoid bone in the throat is the only bone in the human body not joined to another.

The only lizard that has a voice is the Gecko.

The only repealed amendment to the US Constitution deals with the prohibition of alcohol.

The only river that flows both north and south of the equator is the Congo. It crosses the equator twice.

The only rock that floats in water is pumice.

The only active diamond mine in the United States is in Arkansas.

The pecan tree is the only naturally growing nut tree in North American. It is native to the Texas, Mississippi and Mexico River Valleys.

The penguin is the only bird that can swim, but not fly. It is also the only bird that walks upright.

The Virginia opossum is the only marsupial (pouched mammal) indigenous to North America.

The only country in the world that has a Bill of Rights for Cows is India.

The Bledowska Desert in Poland is the only true desert in Europe.

There is only one Q in a Scrabble game.

There's only one city in the United States named merely "Beach." It is found in North Dakota, which is a land-locked state.

Libra, the Scales, is the only inanimate symbol in the zodiac.

Maine is the only state in the United States whose name is just one syllable.

Uranus is the only planet that rotates on its side.

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