
Thursday, August 25, 2011


Dawn Boyle
What is going on? We have an earthquake on Tuesday and now we are told to gear up for getting hit by Hurricane Irene here in New York. I have to tell ya, I kind of feel like the news and media are the "Boy who called wolf".

Haven't we heard this all before? Reminds me of this time last summer, only her name was Danielle. The Weather Channel is the most popular website, channel and app. We wait for updates. We hear words like wind sheer, water surge, extreme threat and extensive new favorite is storm like we have never seen in our life-time - SERIOUSLY???
hurricane irene Northeast Threat

I hope they are wrong, and with a few days out who knows what can happen. I guess the best idea is to be prepared and everyone is running around doing just that. In case you don't have the Emergency List, I have it down below so you can run out to Target and the food store. Come to think of it, this storm just might stimulate the economy, you should have seen the line at the food store!

Living in a waterfront community, a handful of houses away from the Great South Bay I am hoping that they are completely wrong. From what I hear the last time our neighborhood was affected, which was Hurricane Gloria in the 80's it was a complete war zone down here. If that happens, look for
me on the news. I will be the one on top of my roof waving at the helicopters with a bottle of Fire Fly Vodka in one hand and a white flag in the other!!

Tell me how you are preparing for Hurricane Irene who is supposed to affect the Outter Banks all the way up the eastern seaboard...

Stay safe, heed warnings, and if necessary...GET WHILE THE GETTIN'S GOOD!

Disaster Supply Kit
Water - at least 1 gallon daily per person for 3 to 7 days
Food - at least enough for 3 to 7 daysnon-perishable packaged or canned food / juicesfoods for infants or the elderlysnack foods and a non-electric can openercooking tools / fuelpaper plates / plastic utensils
Blankets / Pillows, etc.
Clothing - seasonal / rain gear/ sturdy shoes
First Aid Kit / Medicines / Prescription Drugs
Special Items - for babies and the elderly
Toiletries / Hygiene items / Moisture wipes
Flashlight / Batteries
Radio - Battery operated and NOAA weather radio
Telephones - Fully charged cell phone with extra battery and a traditional (not cordless) telephone set
Cash (with some small bills) and Credit Cards - Banks and ATMs may not be available for extended periods
Toys, Books and Games
Important documents - in a waterproof container or watertight resealable plastic baginsurance, medical records, bank account numbers, Social Security card, etc.
Tools - keep a set with you during the storm
Vehicle fuel tanks filled
Pet care items proper identification / immunization records / medicationsample supply of food and watera carrier or cage muzzle and leash


  1. you forgot Vodka ice and cranberry

  2. Fire Fly is Sweet Tea don't need anything but ice!!!

  3. "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is so right.
    I remember last summer's Danielle... didn't you post something then about an emergency list?
    I guess it is smart to have such a list but I can't bring myself to do it because I'd feel like I am surrendering to the establishment who wants us to live in fear.
    I am willing to bet you a dollar that all we get is some rain.
    Of course having said all this, we'll probably get the worst storm ever.
    Nice to hear from you Boyle. Where you been??

  4. Wishing you all good luck! I hope Irene decides to go WAY east- too many people I love in her path right now!

  5. Evacuation to be called for jersey shore soon....won't be long now!!!

  6. You are going to get hammered on long island!!

  7. Heart sick for all my northern peeps... been there - the waiting game is horrible. Wishing that all be spared Irene's path as we were here. Praying for all in her path.
