
Friday, August 26, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

I was always very against having guns in the house.  My father kept a baseball bat next to his bed for as long as I could remember. He planned to use it to protect his family if the situation ever warranted it. I thought my dad was right and that having a gun in the house was asking for trouble. I’ve  since changed my mind.
I’m all grown up now and have a daughter and son of my own. When they were born, I thought about what I would do if anyone ever tried to hurt or kidnap either of them.  That’s when I realized that a baseball bat just wasn’t going to cut it! I want to be able to stop anyone dead in their tracks that might be a threat to my children. Because of this, I went with my husband to the range and learned how to fire a gun. I found out that I’m actually quite good at it! According to my targets, I definitely stopped the intruder! However, the thought of shooting a real person still bothered me greatly. I wasn’t sure if I could actually pull the trigger. My husband also trained my daughter and wanted to get her a gun. I was totally against it.
Yesterday I got a phone call from my daughter. She’s away at college and was walking to her car after visiting friends. Her boyfriend had met her there so he had his own car. Like the good man he is, he was seeing her safely to her car when he dropped something. He got down to look for it and for a moment wasn’t visible. During that moment, a strange man approached my daughter making lewd suggestions and moving closer. Just then, her boyfriend (a tall, built, protective young man) stood up and got right in this man’s face. Fortunately, he backed off, but still made some disgusting comments to her boyfriend about her. She was relieved and grateful to her boyfriend, as I and her father are, but all I could think about is “What if he hadn’t been there?”  What would my daughter have done to protect herself?
Again, I’ve changed my mind. I believe my daughter should have a gun and know how to use it.
I did some research and found that more and more women are learning to shoot a gun and keeping one with them. Too many crimes against women occur and women must take steps to protect themselves and those they love. I know this is controversial, but I now believe that American Women must become more prepared, more educated and more aggressive in how they keep themselves out of harms way.
An article printed in 2010 talked about self-defense expert Paxton Quigley. If she had her way, every woman would be toting a gun around like the latest iphone. Why? “ Handguns are the best way for women to protect themselves from violence and rape, says Quigley, who has taught more than 7,000 women how to pull the trigger. For her new book, Armed & Female: Taking Control, she talked to dozens of female victims of violent crime, many of whom said a gun could have prevented the attack.  Out of an estimated 200 million guns in the U.S., about 17 million belong to women. Many women live alone; they need protection. There was a jump in gun-buying when President Obama was elected — the so-called Obama bump. Pro-gun folks were scaring a lot of people, claiming Obama would ban guns. People tried to make it political. You can see what both sides try to do. I just think guns can prevent rape — and a lot of women do not ever get over rape.
According to M.D. Creekmore, of The Survivalist Blog, “Just because you are a woman doesn’t mean you need a man for protection, with training and the proper tools you can defend yourself. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”


  1. The U.S. has a far higher per capita rate of gun violence than any other developed country. If guns really made us safer, Bryan Miller, executive director of Ceasefire NJ said, "we should be the safest country on Earth."

  2. If they could guarantee the bad guys couldn't get guns,I'd have no problem with gun control. The problem is,with gun control ONLY the bad guys have guns!

  3. I definately agree Marion. My husband and I are having our daughter (college age) take classes and learn how to defend herself.Her friend carried pepper spray and it wasn't enough. She was attacked and raped right outside her dorm. We have to do what we can to help our girl protect herself.
