
Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Tony Walker

Friends With Benefits. I have another word for it but Barbara was going to beat me up so I am going with FWB.
Surely most of you (if not all of you) have had a special friend who is there for you if you know what I mean.
I had two FWB's.... not at the same time although that would've been nice.... I mean I had one at one time and another during another time in my life.
I loved having a friend like that. We would meet, talk for a few minutes, laugh, then have some mind blowing sex with NSA. I would get into more detail but I promised Barbara I'd behave with this post.... damn!
One guy I know got his wife's permission to find a "buddy" because her sex drive is nowhere near his. He hasn't found a steady FWB but he's trying. His wife knowing about it is pretty crazy right?
A girl I knew used to meet a guy just to make out with him once in a while. Does that count as a FWB?
Have you ever heard the stories about after someone dies everyone finds out that that person had a girlfriend for most of his life that no one knew about? Some of them actually have a double life where they have a whole other family! Does that count? I know someone who actually led a double life for a while. Married at home but also spent time with a girl. They were so close he knew her whole family!
Why do we need friends like this? Do you do things with that person that you wouldn't do with anyone else? Do you actually have feelings for that person? Is there a level of excitement about having NSA sex? Is it to fill a void in a single person's life?
Tell us what you think. Have you ever had a FWB? Tell us some juicy stories about your adventures with your buddy! Tell us if emotions or feelings got in the way. Tell us if you've ever been caught. Tell us anything you want!

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