
Saturday, August 20, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

In Harry Potter, the evil archenemy of our hero is Voldemort, more commonly referred to as “He who cannot be named”. Voldemort uses fear and intimidation to retain power over others. He demands unwavering loyalty with no regard for the pain, suffering or welfare of his followers. When Snape, who Voldermort believed to be his most faithful servant, was thought to be the master of the Elder wand, Voldemort had no trouble killing him to get what he wanted. When Voldemort possessed Harry in Order of the Phoenix, he attempted to suck the life and spirit out of him. It was only through recalling all those who loved him that Harry was able to overcome Voldemort’s influence and even feel pity for him.

I believe we all have Voldemorts in our lives. Is there someone to whom you have offered friendship, loyalty and trust who took all you had to offer and then turned on you? I’ve experienced this in both my personal and my professional life. I’ve worked for people who pretend to have your interest at heart and would stab you in the back at their earliest convenience. I’ve spent endless hours of overtime, given my best efforts and made great sacrifices without asking for credit, compensation or praise. In return I was badly treated and betrayed.
In my personal life, I had a similar experience when I was young and foolish. They say love is blind and I certainly proved them to be right. It was a tough lesson to learn but I finally realized that not everyone has a caring, honest spirit.
That’s why it’s SO important for us to appreciate and validate those people in our lives who are true friends and lovers. We need to thank God every day for their presence in our lives and show them that we recognize their rare and treasured gifts of faithfulness and love.
Take the time to look at your relationships. Take steps to strengthen and reinforce the bonds with those people who are the Dumbledores or Hermione’s in your life. People who believe in you, trust you, care about you! As for the Voldemorts, avoid them if you can. If you can’t, do like Harry did. Defeat them by pitying their miserable existence and remembering those who love you!


  1. Wiser words were never spoken! Great post!

  2. Your friendship is a treasure to me. Anne

  3. I agree. The best way to deal with a "Voldemort" in your life is to ignore them and concentrate on the people in your life that matter. Love your posts, Marion. Always insightful and sensitive (except your creepy stories in Paranormal Pub, but I love them too!).
