
Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Tony Walker
My guess is that most people who have heard the story about the man who left his 11 year boy would be outraged and would want to hang the father by his short hairs.
I completely understand that feeling.

My father split on me when my mother was pregnant with me. I met him one time when I was 5, and when I was 10 my father was killed in a motorcycle accident.
So when I hear about father's not being there for their children I do get mad.
But this story hit me differently.

In the world we currently live in where the economy is crap, there are no jobs, and people are losing their homes, people feel beaten. Some don't know what to do. Some get desperate. I'm sure most of you have been affected by this economy one way or another like I have. 
Some of you also know the emotional pain of dealing with something like an illness. Emotionally you are drained and desperate.

I'll admit that during my lowest times with cancer I tried telling my family to get lost. You feel guilty for putting your family through such a horrible ordeal.

This story is somewhat new and we don't know all the details.... but so far it looks to me like just a guy whose life is at a real bad place and he feels his son would be better off without him. 
I am by no means justifying this guy leaving his boy. I've learned from my ups and downs that no matter what happens, your family wants to stay with you. No one replaces your family. 
But I feel sad for this man. He's lost and doesn't know where to turn. My hope is that the authorities find him, he does his time for what he did, then ends up back on his feet where he can restore his relationship with his son. How great would it be 5, 10, 20 years from now to be writing on The Lounge-"Remember that story about the man who left his boy? Well guess who rebuilt his life and regained custody of the boy?"

If you haven't heard the story, here is the link to read for yourself...let me know how you feel.

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