
Monday, August 22, 2011


Tony Walker
Hold on tight.... this post is going to be a roller coaster of emotions-anger, happiness, sadness, & my favorite-horniness.

On several pieces I've posted I bitch about my disability & what happened with my former employer which lead to a lawsuit. This lawsuit has been a major financial & emotional strain.
So my family & I needed a vacation bad... real bad.
How my wife save for a weeklong trip to Lake George is beyond me but she did.

Emotion #1: Excitement. The four of us were so excited.... a beautiful & relaxing place with some close friends. Or so we thought.
We left on Saturday August 13. Here on Long Island a major rainstorm hit on August 14. Guess what part of Long Island got hit with the most rain? (11 inches to be exact) The part we live in.
The storm drains couldn't handle all this rain. The storm drains were so bad that my backyard had almost 5 FEET of water!!! Guess where most of that rain went? To my freakin basement.

Emotion #2: Anger. I was PISSED when I heard my basement was flooded. We've never had an ounce of rain in our basement in the 11 years we've lived there. I had so much stuff on the floor. Sound equipment for Drop Dead Comedy, papers, furniture, etc. I had to come home to take care of this. So I left Lake George & came home. Note the word "I." I came home. My family stayed in Lake George. No need to ruin the vacation for the kids.

Emotion #3: Sadness. This sucks. I'm home taking care of this shit when I am supposed to be enjoying some much needed family time.

Emotion #4: Loneliness. In the house all alone wishing my family was here.

Emotion #5: Fear. The prosthetic I wear can't get wet. I couldn't go into my basement which forced me to get a crew in to pump the water & dry out the basement. THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!! Where the hell is the money coming from????

Emotion #2 returns.... Anger. Damn insurance company won't cover the damage because I don't have flood coverage. Even though some of the items that were damaged are covered, they're not covered because it was a flood. WTF??!!! This was the first homeowner's claim I've ever done.... what a scam!!! They'll take your money but have a million reasons not to give it back when you need it. I couldn't believe the line of shit these people were giving me. One lady even told me I have one of the best policies they have to offer but my damage is not covered. I think all my stress ended up in this lady's ear. "I hate your company & I hate you! You people suck! I am going to cancel you & tell everyone I know to cancel you!" That was laced with a ton of words I can't use here.

Emotion #6: Desperation. I left my family Sunday morning. By Tuesday afternoon the basement was 90% dried out & I had given up on fighting with my insurance. I couldn't fight anymore & was tired of being angry. I was desperate to get back to my family in Lake George but didn't wanna sit in NYC traffic.

Emotion #7: Happiness. On Wednesday morning at 437 I left my house to drive up to Lake George. I knocked on the door of our room at 815AM. My son assumed it was one of his friends looking to get an early start at the beach. The excitement in his eyes when he saw me was cool, but the way he yelled "DAD" was priceless. We hugged for about 2 minutes. I was so happy to see my family.
Emotion #8: Horniness. Home alone for 3 days. Need I say more? I was all over Lisa that Wednesday until we had 30 seconds alone.
Turns out Sunday, Monday, & a part of Tuesday was rainy in Lake George so I didn't miss much. Tuesday afternoon through the end of our week was beautiful & sunny. So the week ended on a high note. The 4 of us had a real good time. Even our black cloud took a few days off too, thank God.

Back to the usual... high taxes, no money, high stress, & more horniness. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are looking up Tony! Glass half full, always gotta focus on glass half full! Hang in there - when you are at the end - tie a knot (A BIG BIG ONE) and hang the heck on!!!!!
