
Thursday, August 18, 2011


Dawn Boyle

It rained a lot this week in New York, and when I mean a lot I am talking to the tune of 10 inches of rain. By day three of the crappy weather I broke down and agreed to take the girls to the movies.Since avoiding The Smurfs, which the girls saw that a few weeks ago with their friends they had been hard pressed to see the limited engagement of Glee The Concert 3D. I caved.

We decided to go to a major theater instead of our small town, local joint. I figured if I was going to do this...we were doing it big. We arrived about an hour early to secure our tickets and get on line. No line...what is going on? The last time we went to a "tween concert/movie" I had to be there two hours prior to ensure tickets. We got on line with about 15 other moms and their daughters. There were a handful of teens aged girls as well.

I have seen the show Glee and have liked it. I am not as die hard as my kids, religiously watching every week. They play Glee on their Xbox or Wii all the time. They actually joined drama due to their love of the show. I was along for the ride.

Go see this film, take your kids. The only time I felt awkward was when "Britney" did her rendition of Slave for You by Britney Spears, but to be honest it was way more sexual when Spears did it. These kids today are really learning about acceptance, equality and tolerance. I was surprised to hear at the end of the movie which were my girls favorite parts. My youngest described a part where a "little girl" talks about her story, which was very heartwarming. My other daughter stated that she just couldn't pick one part. They both spoke about being able to do whatever they wanted to do in life as long as the were a positive light. I was very impressed with what they came out with from the show.

So no matter if you are a jock, cheerleader, wallflower, band geek, or a loser, the Glee's will accept you and so will my kids! Check out this film!!!

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