
Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Dawn Boyle
In reacting to Tony's He Said... I must say, there is a difference between a mothers love and that of a father. I put my children before myself, sometimes to a fault. I would go without to make sure they have all they need. Not all mothers are the same, but I can name off the top of my head about 5 "dads" I know personally that take care of themself before doing anything for their children.

This story seems to me like this kid got a real raw deal. The mother never visited him after the father got custody and now the kids dad splits and leave him alone? Come on!! There are so many people in the world that would love to have children, yet it seems like more and more we are hearing horrible stories about abuse, neglect and even worse.

I understand what you're are saying about hard times and thinking that maybe the kid would be better off without him, but there are other ways to deal with "foreclosure" then by dumping you kid on some random neighbor. I guess it could've been worse, in fact the kid is probably lucky that the "father" ran away.

Just amazes me how many people have kids and then discard them like they are garbage.

read the story and Tony's He Said by following the link below


  1. Wait a second... hold the phone.
    You say that there is a difference between a mothers love of a child than that of a fathers, going as far as saying you know at least 5 dads who take care of themselves before their kids, but then back it up by talking about the mother of this boy who left & has no contact!
    If you really do know 5 men who put themselves before their kids that makes me sad. That is a disturbingly high number. I bet at least one DRL reader knows some mothers who are like that.
    Point being we all know shitty parents-male or female!
    Agreed-there are better ways to deal with a foreclosure & other hardships, (I believe I said something like that in my post) but then you agreed when I said the kid is probably better off.
    Sounds to me like we're in agreement that this guy made a mistake out of desperation. How did this become women love their kids more than men issue?

  2. You nailed it on the head Dawn. Good Job! I feel the same way you do. I had to get approval from not only our country , my adoption agency , social worker, but from my children's birth country before I could even adopt them. I would give up every thing for my children but would never give up my children! That poor boy.
