
Sunday, August 21, 2011


Did you know...

Baskin Robbins once made ketchup ice cream. This was the only vegetable flavored ice cream produced.

George Washington is the only man whose birthday is a legal holiday in every state of the United States.

In 1969, "Midnight Cowboy" became the first and only X-rated production to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. (Its rating has since been changed to R.)

Libra, the Scales, is the only inanimate symbol in the zodiac.

The only one of his sculptures that Michelangelo signed was the "The Pieta," completed in 1500.

The only rock that floats in water is pumice.

There is only one Q in a Scrabble game.

Woodrow Wilson was the only US president to earn a doctorate.

'Soldiers disease' is a term for morphine addiction. The Civil War produced over 400,000 morphine addicts.

The chemical n-acetyl-cysteine found in raw eggs is proven to help hangovers.

Baseball rules were codified in 1846 by Alexander Cartwright of the Knickerbocker Baseball Club.

Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades - King David, Clubs - Alexander the Great, Hearts - Charlemagne, Diamonds - Julius Caesar.

Golfers use an estimated $800 million worth of golf balls annually.
The first professional football team to sport an insignia on their helmets was the Los Angeles Rams in 1950, who hand painted yellow horns on their blue leather helmets.

The oiuja board was invented by Isaac and William Fuld, and was patented July 1, 1892.

There are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 different color combinations possible on a Rubik's Cube.

Until 1967 it wasn't illegal for Olympic athletes to use drugs to enhance their performance during competition.

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