
Monday, August 8, 2011


Dawn Boyle

A rainy summer Sunday (or what was supposed to be) when beach plans have been cancelled turn into the day of debates.

Why is it that I am the cruise director all week long for my children. Organizing play dates or making group plans of movies or the likes for my two girls are enough for me. I make our family weekend plans, get all supplies together, packing up enough clothes and bathing suits for the weekend, but when the weather is supposed to turn - it becomes the big debate of "what are we gonna do today?" The same question that makes my toes curl on a daily basis when I field it from the kids I received about 10 times yesterday from my "OLDEST KID".

I look around at the home that looks more like a disaster and think to myself, PICK A ROOM! Everyone can jump on that bandwagon and help me clean up around here. Of course that is not the answer. Sarah suggests a family day of bowling. Gracie's suggested nails for the girls and let Daddy do whatever he wants. Greg suggests going to his favorite place - the boat store. None of these ideas were doing it for me. I wonder what it would take for Greg to think of giving me a few hours of down time. Take the kids bowling, let Gracie get her nails done and then hit the boat store all on there own?

I know it's not going to happen, but I can dream! Boat Store it is....again. Long live the dream of being able to quit being the cruise director. I guess I can't really complain with only a handful of weeks left before they are back in school...but then again, this is random rants! Enjoy the time left! Poor Barbara is already back to school!


  1. I guess My Mom was spoiled. My father was in the Army. If he was in town, on Saturdays he took care of us kid so that Mom could go get her hair done and whatever she liked to do... no kiddies attached!

  2. sounds like you father was a smart man! Giving your mother a break is one of the best things to do for your marriage :)

  3. 28 days until school starts. enough said.

  4. Just shy of 28 hours!!!!!!!!! YIKES!
    I'm in summer morning mode!

  5. Damn..... I meant "mourning"......
    but, sadly, both fit.
